Sikh United Front welcomes Kathua verdict, calls for death penalty to child rapists

Welcoming the verdict in Kathua gangrape-murder case, SikhUnited Front Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday urged the government to strictlyimplement the amendments in Ranbir Renal Code (RPC) to pay way for deathpenalty to child rapists.

“The state government should strictly implement theamendment in RPC by incorporating section 376 A and B whereby any offence underthis section against a child below 12 years of age will make the culprit toface the death penalty especially in case of rape and sexual abuse of a childbelow 12 years,” Sikh United Front chairman S Sudershan Singh Wazir said whileaddressing the media men in Jammu.

He said that the “historic” verdict in Rassana rape andmurder case is a big blow for those who were bent upon politicizing the crimeof the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl.

Wazir also lauded the Jammu and Kashmir State Crime Branchfor conducting the investigation in a highly professional manner and alsocommended the prosecutors for maintaining highest standards of legal acumen.

On Monday, a Special court in Pathankot convicted six out ofseven accused in the Kathua case out of which three were given lifer whileother three were given five years imprisonment.

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