SKUAST-K presents curriculum for LISA 2020 certificate program

LISA 2020 aims to build statistics and data science capacity in developing countries by creating a robust network of statistics and data science collaboration laboratories (“stat labs”).

These stat labs can be engines for development by training the next generation of collaborative statisticians and data scientists; serving as infrastructure to support local researchers, businesses, government, and NGOs; and teaching short courses and workshops to improve statistical skills and data literacy widely.

The goal of LISA 2020 was to create a network of 20 such stat labs in developing countries by 2020. This goal was accomplished by having 28 labs in the LISA 2020 Network by the end of 2020 and as of today have 35 stat labs worldwide and, SKUAST-K-LISA is an official member of this network.

Each of these newly created laboratories fosters education in statistics and promotes the proper application of statistics to solve real-world problems. The LISA 2020 Program encourages stat labs to improve their operations by adapting best practices learned from one another.

LISA 2020 is implemented by the University of Colorado Boulder’s Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (LISA) in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

LISA 2020 is led by Global Director Dr. Eric Vance at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA and Dr. Imran Khan, Associate Professor Statistics, SKUAST-Kashmir is the chairman for the LISA 2020 certificate programme.

The first draft of curriculum for LISA 2020 certification was recently presented at South Africa by the Chairman of LISA 2020 certificate program Dr. Imran Khan from SKUAST-K. The curriculum is divided into three parts: 1) Technical skills, 2) Collaboration skills 3) Communication skills.

Dr Imran presented the first draft which was attended by the committee members of the certificate program from USA, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Tanzania, Pakistan and other LISA Coordinators. The draft was discussed in detail by the committee and the coordinators and many suggestions were put forward.

The LISA 2020 Global Director Professor Eric Vance, CU Boulder, USA, congratulated Dr Khan and his team for their efforts. Professor Nazir Ahmed Ganai Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K congratulated Dr Imran, Chairman LISA 2020 for this program and encouraged him to work with fervour.

Professor Nazir Ahmed in his statement highlighted the importance of data science, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in today’s world and, how millions of data points are generated by using mobile phones and other digital devices, every second everywhere in the world.

Professor Nazir Ahmed also stated that processing of such an enormous data by data scientists is challenging. LISA 2020 is preparing to start certification program at regional and global level.

LISA 2020 is a network of 20 Stat labs worldwide and SKUAST-K-LISA is an official member of the network. Dr Imran is Associate Professor Statistics, a visiting faculty and Coordinator SKUAST-K-LISA, Division of Statistics, FoH, SKUAST-Kashmir.

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