SMC cancels holiday for snow clearance, dewatering city

With snowfall starting in the wee hours of Sunday, Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) cancelled the holiday of the employees and pressed men and machinery for snow-clearance and dewatering of affected areas.

Moderate to heavy snowfall started on Sunday in Kashmir. The Meteorological department has forecast widespread snowfall in many areas of Kashmir on Monday as well with heavy snowfall at isolated places.


The snowfall caused water-logging in various areas of the summer capital Sunday morning. However, authorities soon pressed men and machinery to dewater the affected areas and city markets.

All 85 permanent dewatering stations are fully functional while 32 mobile pumps were also pressed into service for dewatering process, said an official.

SMC Secretary Sofi Akbar said that the SMC had deployed additional persons to different dewatering stations to assist the concerned staff there.

“As per the strategy chalked out in view of the snowfall forecast, we were ready in anticipation. The affected areas were dewatered by 10 am. The snow clearance operation also began in the morning,” Sofi said.

“Water logging had occurred at Regal Chowk and at few other places. We pressed mobile machines and dewatered the roads,” he said.

Sofi said that 3000 sanitation workers were deployed for clearance of snow from lanes, by-lanes and pavements.

“The corporation has cancelled holiday in view of the snowfall prediction and all officials and field staff were stationed and working at respective places,” he said.

Sofi said that the holiday was canceled to make snow clearance and the dewatering process “effective and immediate”.

He said that the corporation successfully cleared snow from all important stretches running through the city and connecting important destinations.

“Roads leading to hospitals, religious places, ration ghats, electric water supply stations and the government offices were cleared on a priority,” Sofi said.

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