SSP Baramulla reviews security situation

Srinagar, July 07: SSP Baramulla Amod Ashok Nagpure  chaired a crime and security review meeting to discuss and address various challenges related to policing and security in the region at District Police Lines Baramulla.

During the meeting, the officers discussed a range of important issues including anti-terrorist operations, disposal of pending UAPA/NDPS cases, security of vulnerable persons & generation of humint & techint. The officers were urged to work towards prevention of social crimes and cybercrimes, besides to take necessary measures to combat drug abuse and trafficking, a police statement said. 

The participating officers provided an overview of the security scenario in their respective areas and briefed SSP Baramulla on the security measures being taken to counter any potential threats.

While interacting with the officers, SSP Baramulla reiterated the importance of strengthening the counter insurgency and security grid of their respective areas, besides taking stringent action against those involved in anti-national activities and also to keep proper surveillance on areas of concern.

They were also instructed to adopt a public-centric approach and to ensure that grievances of the public are addressed in a timely manner. The officers were also directed to take action against those involved in illegal excavation of minerals.

The meeting was a significant platform for the officers to discuss and address the various aspects of accountable policing and security measures. Their commitment towards maintaining law and order in the region was reaffirmed during the meeting. The meeting was an important step towards achieving the goal of a safe and secure environment for the people of Baramulla. The measures discussed during the meeting are expected to help in combating crime and improving the overall security scenario in the region.

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