Submerging of houseboat in Jhelum|NTTA urges administration to help affected family

Nigeen Tourist Traders Association (NTTA) has urged the district administration to extend financial assistance and compensation to a family whose houseboat submerged in river Jhelum in Srinagar.

‘NTTA believes in pragmatic approach and in this regard held a threadbare discussion among the members of the association with regard to the recent episode of houseboat collapsing in River Jhelum.  NTTA expresses their grief and are with the victim family in this hour of grief and assures them all possible help,” NTTA said in a statement.

“NTTA in collaboration with Kashmir Welfare Trust is ready to construct a housing unit for the victim family who have lost their everything accumulated over the years towards their service to the tourism industry,” NTTA chairman Manzoor Wangnoo said in a statement.

NTTA’s general secretary Mohammad Lateef Bhat has urged Chairman Kashmir Welfare Trust to help this association in raising a concrete dwelling unit for the family at Rakhi Arth where KWT has already constructed 100 plus housing units.

“Therefore, NTTA urges district administration to issue financial assistance and compensation in favour of the victim family apart from earmarking a plot of land at Rakhi-Arth so that NTTA with the help of Kashmir Welfare Trust is able to construct a dwelling unit for them,” he said.

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