Traffic department has failed to implement traffic plan: KEA chairman Yasin Khan

The Kashmir Economic Alliance chairman Haji Muhammad Yasin Khanon Wednesday said that the Traffic Police department has failed to implement a”dignified” traffic plan in Srinagar city.

“The traffic police department not only failed to implement adignified traffic plan but that the traffic cops could be seen busy imposingchallans on congested roads only to add to the congestion,” Khan in a pressstatement said.


He said that given the massive gridlocks most of the markets inSrinagar and towns in other districts remain mostly deserted with regard to thefootfall as shoppers find it impossible to reach such marketplaces.

“The central business district of Lal Chowk remains the worsthit as the prospective shoppers are avoiding coming to the city center,” Khansaid.

Khan, who also heads the Kashmir Traders and ManufacturersFederation, said that the prospective shopping ahead of the Eid was the timewhen the traders could do some business to eke out a living but that thetraffic chaos has badly affected such activities especially in the summercapital of Srinagar.

“No proper arrangement of parking has been put in place nortraffic regulation is up to the mark and that result is that the hope ofbusiness community to do business is badly hit,” KEA media head Farhan Kitabsaid.

KEA has sought personal intervention of governor and alsoappealed to Divisional Commissioner Kashmir to take stakeholders especiallytraders into confidence to get rid of the menace on the roads so that peopleget respite.

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