Will block Srinagar-Jammu highway if fruit-trucks are not allowed smooth passage: Mehbooba

Srinagar:  PDP president Mehbooba Mufti Tuesday said she, along with fruit-truck drivers, will block the Srinagar-Jammu national highway if their vehicles are not allowed a smooth passage.

“Lakhs of people depend on this (fruit trade), they have taken loans, they have taken money from Delhi’s mandis. Who will give them that money? Will you? So, I warn the government if you don’t open the road for trucks, then I along with others will block the national highway,” Mehbooba said in Shopian.

She visited the south Kashmir district to join the protesting apple growers who have been demanding a smooth transit for the fruit-laden trucks stuck on the national highway.

“You are not allowing us to bring our fruits, which are rotting in the mandis, but, we will not allow this. I appeal to you as well as warn you not to test the people of Kashmir,” she added. Mehbooba said horticulture is the backbone of the union territory’s economy, but attempts are being made to “damage” it.

“It is not just about fruit growers, but transporters as well, who also have taken loans…This is economic terrorism. They say militancy has ended, but the Government of India is unleashing biggest terror against the people and horticulture here,” she said.

The former JK chief minister alleged that the government is trying to do what the Jews did to Palestine by shutting them economically.

“Trucks from Jammu to Kashmir reach here in a day, but trucks from here are stopped for four-five days. If this is not a part of some conspiracy, then why does it still happen even after the assurances of the LG? We will not allow this.

“I have requested the Lieutenant Governor and appeal to him again to take serious notice of the issue and see to it that our trucks are not stopped. If it continues despite that, then they will also have to face difficulties,” she said.

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