Setting-up of Electronics Manufacturing Cluster in Ladakh | Administrative Secretary IT Amit Sharma decides way forward

Leh, Mar 4: Administrative Secretary of Information Technology Department Ladakh Amit Sharma today decided the way forward for setting-up of Electronics Manufacturing Cluster in the union territory.

An official press release said that an important meeting was held under the chairpersonship of the Administrative Secretary to deliberate upon the implementation strategy for the Electronics Manufacturing Clusters (2.0) Scheme, aimed at fostering innovation and economic growth in the Union Territory of Ladakh . Multiple stakeholders from EMC team, IT Department and SIDCO officials attended the meeting.

During this important meeting, important discussions were held on various crucial aspects of the success of the Electronic Manufacturing Cluster 2.0 Scheme. Among the critical points taken up in this meeting led by IT Secretary and MD, SIDCO Ladakh, Amit Sharma, main were the selection of the implementing agency responsible for the execution of the Electronics Manufacturing Clusters. Another critical agenda item centered around the identification of suitable land equipped with essential connectivity infrastructure.

Recognising the road connectivity for the smooth operation of manufacturing cluster, collective insights were given and experts contributed to a comprehensive discourse aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges inherent in the establishment of Electronics Manufacturing Clusters in Ladakh.

Secretary Amit Sharma emphasised the need for a proficient and dedicated Agency in the form of a Special Purpose Vehicle led by SIDCO as the Project Implementation Agency and underscored the importance of ensuring seamless co-ordination and efficient execution to realize the objectives of the Scheme.

Amit Sharma emphasised the significance of leveraging initiatives like the Electronics Manufacturing Clusters Scheme 2.0 to stimulate local entrepreneurship, generate employment opportunities, and propel the region towards a trajectory of sustainable development.

The meeting concluded with a strategic roadmap for proceeding with the implementation of the Electronics Manufacturing Clusters Scheme and the decision to hold next meeting soon under the chairpersonship of Advisor to LG so that important decisions can be taken in it.

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