MHA outlines strategy to end Kashmir problem

As part of a hard-nosed approach to curb local militancy in Kashmir the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has devised a step-by-step strategy aimed at systematically resolving the Kashmir problem, IANS reported on Sunday. 

 Quoting sources thewire agency said, “The tough Kashmir policy which has seen new focus since AmitShah took over as Union Home Minister visualizes a clinical attack on thesupport bases of militancy in the Valley to bring about irreversible change bytargeting, principally, the separatists and foreign networks. The first targetwill remain the separatists and their funding networks, which have kept alivemilitancy in the Valley and organized anti-India activities.”

“In keeping with this will be a focus on NGOs who havebacked the stone-pelters. These are well-funded operations that have repeatedlytried to derail central government initiatives in trying to control militancyin the Valley. It is from involvement in such activity that stone-pelters moveover to weaponised training. The third target will be the cross bordermilitants who take advantage of border porosity to enter India and join theranks of militants,” the IANS reported.

“There has been some success from the recent no-nonsenseapproach to militancy which includes the Balakot  airstrike. Militant camps in Muzaffarabadhave moved west, closer to the border with Afghanistan. The understanding isthat the relentless attack on militant bases and on militant funding will alsocontribute to stopping border incursions into India and with the oxygen supplycut off to local militancy, it will be brutally hit,” the wire agencyreported. 

Alongside the Kashmir issue, the Ministry of Home Affairsled by Amit Shah is keen on coming to grips with the trouble spots in theNortheast.

The policy follows a two-pronged strike plan: to limitmilitancy and to reduce border traffic. For the latter measure, the governmentis emphatic that the National Register of Citizens (NRC) mechanism will play apart in removing the “illegals”.The government is keen to see results, which isthe reason for the tough stance. There is routine stock-taking on the progressof the Centre’s measures. Back in the national capital, political forces aremobilized to ensure the success of the government’s strategy in the twotroublespots.

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