Stop harassing journalists, employees of Greater Kashmir: CPJ to authorities

Authorities should stop harassing journalists and employees of Greater Kashmir newspaper, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has said.

Quoting news reports the CPJ said in a statement said thatFayaz Ahmed Kaloo, the editor-in-chief of the privately owned newspaper, one ofthe leading dailies in Jammu and Kashmir, was questioned for nearly a week byNational Investigation Agency (NIA).

Quoting The Telegraph, it said Fayaz Ahmed Kaloo was firstsummoned for questioning to the NIA’s New Delhi office on June 28. When he didnot appear, the CPJ said, the NIA called him directly, and he presented himselfto the agency on July 1.

Fayaz Ahmed Kaloo was questioned for six days at the NIA’sheadquarters about articles published in Greater Kashmir during 2016 unrest.

 The Quint reportedthat Fayaz Ahmed Kaloo was also asked about his income, properties, and tripsabroad, said the CPJ statement, quoting news reports.

“Extensively questioning an editor about the content ofpublished news stories goes way beyond any legitimate role for law enforcementand will only put a further chill on press freedom in Kashmir,” saidSteven Butler, CPJ Asia program coordinator, in Washington, D.C.”…National Investigation Agency should halt the investigation of FayazAhmed Kaloo and Greater Kashmir immediately.”

The Telegraph also reported that the general manager of thenewspaper, Rashid Makhdoomi, was summoned and questioned by the NIA.

Fayaz Ahmed Kaloo declined to speak to CPJ, the release byCPJ said, adding NIA spokesperson Alok Mittal did not respond to CPJ’s textmessage requesting comment on the questioning of Fayaz Ahmed Kaloo.

In February, Jammu and Kashmir government stopped buyingspace for advertisement with Greater Kashmir, as well as another leading daily,the Kashmir Reader, CPJ reported. Newspapers in Jammu and Kashmir are dependenton government advertisements in absence of a robust private industry, one localeditor told CPJ at the time.

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