Top Navy Commanders to review security preparedness in maritime domain

Top commanders of the Navy will extensively deliberate on emerging challenges facing the country in the maritime domain and review the evolving security dynamics in the region at a three-day conclave beginning Tuesday.

Navy officials said the naval commanders conference isexpected to fine-tune the Navy’s strategy for responding to any possiblethreats and added that it will discuss overall security challenges in thebackdrop of the Pulwama attack and developments thereafter.

“The conference assumes greater significance in thebackdrop of Pulwama associated events that have brought the country’s defenceunder sharper focus and will provide the higher naval leadership a forum todiscuss the emerging challenges in the maritime domain,” the Navy said ina statement.          

The conference is the apex forum within the Navy forinteraction between the naval commanders.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Sunil Lanba will reviewmajor operational, materiel, logistics, training, human resources andadministrative issues at the conference.

Defence Minister NirmalaSitharaman is scheduled to address the naval commanders on the opening day and interact with them. “Interaction with chiefs of Indian Army and Indian Air Force during the conference would be utilised to analyse the operational environment”.

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