It is a collective responsibility: Lets join hands to break the Covid19 Chain

Over the past few weeks the number of covid19 cases reported on a daily basis from Srinagar is witnessing an increasing trend which obviously has thrown up a major challenge for the government particularly the district administration to control the spread.

But the question here is that is it only the responsibility of the district administration alone or people also have to extend their cooperation to contain the spread of this deadly virus.

The general public should understand the gravity of the situation in the district due to the outbreak of the deadly virus and should act properly while following the Covid Appropriate Behavior (CAB) and also the government guidelines issued from time to time.

Let us take an example of a few days. On Friday (Sept 17) J&K recorded around 155 cases out of which h96 cases were reported from Srinagar district alone which is around 62 percent of the cases reported in a day. Not only this, on Sunday (September 19), Srinagar reported 92 cases which was around 55 percent cases in a day.

In such a prevailing situation, the people obviously need to act sensibly and not become the super spreaders of this deadly virus thus making the Srinagar district a hot spot of a possible 3rd wave of the Covid19.

The J&K came under lockdown on March 21 of 2020. Since then there has been no official announcement from the government or any other organization-having mandate to speak on the pandemic that COVID19 is over.

The government is reviewing the situation every week or fortnight and announces phase wise relaxation in the Covid19 lockdown announced more than a year ago now. The Covid19 is not over yet. The normalcy which we see is actually the relaxation in the ongoing lockdown. Giving relaxation does not mean that COVID19 is over. Having said this, the government is equally responsible as well for giving an impression that wiped off the fear of covid19 among people. The government should have given a second thought before opening up gardens and organizing events under the pretext of promoting tourism. Had the government not opened the gardens and organized jam packed events, fear of Covid19 among people might not have lost its relevance. But now the phase is over and the situation is really under control except Srinagar.

Few days ago, the deputy commissioner Srinagar stated that if the cases continue to come out at the same pace then Srinagar will emerge as a hotspot of the virus in the possible 3rd wave of the Covid19.

He also hinted on imposing strict lockdown in some areas of the district which continue to violate Covid SoPs and make the entire district hostile for violation being done by a few areas.

He made this statement after sealing some 30 shops at different locations of the district during morning hours of Monday besides imposing fine on people violating Covid SoPs.

Not only this, the Lieutenant Governor of J&K Manoj Sinha also made a hand folded request to the people to follow CAB and urged people to go for vaccination.

At this stage, obviously it will not be appropriate to tell people to remain at their respective homes given the different factors associated with it including economic and other related issues.

Maintaining social distancing and wearing face masks are the most important guidelines of the lockdown to defeat and break the chain of the virus. But it is reported that people are not listening to the government’s order and advisories. There are reports of violation of the guidelines from various parts of the district, which is really very embarrassing.

It is apparently like few people are not serious about the gravity of the situation borne out of this deadly virus. The situation in the summer capital region is even worse. The administration has urged people to act sensibly or we will go back to square one. That is true because if cases continue to remain increasing the situation will turn bad to worse.

The district administration has been continuously supervising the adherence of Covid19 SoPs and these actions are enough for the citizens to understand the severity of the covid19 situation in the district. The citizens should understand that any laxity from their side will force the authorities to go tough and re-impose the strict lockdown in the district.

If we go by the figures 566 out of 1142 cases have been reported from Srinagar district from September 12 to 19. The administration has already declared 30 areas as containment zones where from the cases were being reported.

But it is not only the administration which can alone control the situation and bring it to normal but people by and large have to be sensible and extend their cooperation to control the spread of the virus. It has been reported that covid19 cases were on rise because the people were participating in marriage functions and other social gatherings as well. If this is true then citizens should shun away from this and maintain a limited gathering during marriages and other functions. It will not harm the people in any way but will prove as a savior for them in controlling the spread of this deadly virus.

Let us understand that Covid19 is not over yet and we need to be more and more cautious about the virus and follow all the COVID19 SoPs as we used to do during the first wave of the virus.

Complete adherence to covid19 SoPs is the only way to control the situation and this can be the best contribution people can make for their betterment.

Let’s join hands to fight and defeat the contagious Covid-19 by obeying the orders of the government. Wear facemasks and adhere to CAB. The administration can only come up with the orders for adherence of Vovid19 SoPs but implementation part lies with the public. Let us think wisely and save our lives. Let good sense prevail.

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