Admissions in private schools

From next month will begin the process for admission of children in most private schools in Srinagar city and other parts of Kashmir. So will start a sort of competition among the parents to get their kids admitted in “best of the schools.”

This kind of competition brings with it a lot of stress for the parents. The kids too do not remain away from this stress. Focus of the most parents remains on some of the schools, being considered as “prestigious”.


If their kids get admission there, they feel lucky; and if not, they get very disappointed. During this process, the small kids are put under lot of mental pressure.

While the kids are yet to begin their school days, the atmosphere is created by parents and others in the family as if they have to prepare for a competitive examination for getting admission in some professional college.

Getting admission in a good school is good but putting too much stress on a small kid for this is also traumatic. Making admission in a “prestigious school” like a status symbol in society by some people should be stopped.

Undoubtedly, these schools have played an important role in the field of education in past. But over the years some other good schools have also come up.

They too are showing remarkable performance. Time has proved that while a good school can be important, but it is not a guarantee for the success of a child.

There are some other things which are also important. Some parents admit their kids in the “best schools” , but forget their own duties towards their education and the results are very obvious in the later stages. Students from some other schools are also dominating the education scene for a long time now in Kashmir.

There is a need that other private schools, operating in the Srinagar city or other parts of Kashmir, too sincerely try to become centres of excellence as far as education is concerned, and remove the general impression in the society that they are under performers.

They too should raise their standards in every respect. The people will prefer getting admission of their kids in such schools. These schools too can become first priority for parents and not the second, third or fourth choice.

That way the parents and their kids can be saved from unnecessary tension at the time of admission. While the parents can handle stress, putting kids to mental pressure at admission time is unwise and needs to be stopped.

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