American Presidential Change

The presidential elections in America interest all in the world. Always. Every nation remains concerned about its future interests as would be influenced by the change of power in the most powerful state.

Donald Trump, who leaned more towards white racist nativist right wing during his tenure, is awfully busy in organizing anarchy, out of desperation and dismay over losing the ballot. Joe Biden is a new seasoned savior- faire and outwardly secular person has emerged on the US Presidential horizon. Interesting debates have started across the countries drawing parallels between the Elect President Biden’s political policy forecasts and their national interests.

While the rightist Government in India must be discomfited with the situation taking shape in Washington as the Premier Narendra Modi was reckoned to have been close to Trump and; the newly elected President Biden had shown rancor on CAA-NRC and abrogation of 370 of the Constitution of India during his election campaign in the US. New Delhi cannot afford to remain behind in the race to build cordial and genial relations with the new man in harness and his squad, particularly Kamala Harris, the Indian origin Vice President of the Democrats although she speaks the Biden’s mind.

Likewise Pakistan is hoping high that Biden’s soft and diplomatically ripe political faculty would bring many laurels to her in particular reference to continuing with Trump’s Afghanistan peace initiative. Assumption is that Saudi Crown Prince MBS is reasonably upset with Trump’s defeat. This has perhaps bowled over his future political career and Jamal Khashogi is yet to rise from the grave to hound him as sources close to President Biden have disclosed. Khashogi’s fiancé has already sued him in the US court of justice. America launches men of their own choice in Middle East countries and beyond any doubt the royal families of these kingdoms are order bound to Washington. Albeit Prince Zayid of Emirates has proved to be enthusiastically loyal in striking Trump’s deal of the century recognizing Israel as a Sovereign State and there onwards relaxing some of the fundamental Islamic laws in Emirates; he must be obviously enjoying a safe position.

Turkey is these days at odds with the European Union that has devalued Lira in the word market. Erdogan is at work grappling with its slightly plummeting economy and was not on good terms with Trump who was blamed by him for a failed army coup couple of years ago in Ankara. How Biden’s coronation in US is seen in Ankara is still not clear. However, it is easy to ascertain that getting closer to Russia and China, US under Biden cannot afford to befriend Ankara particularly when the situation in Syria and Libya continue to experience total control of Russia and Turkey. China and Russia are the only nations least affected by the emergence of a new regime in America. It is on record that these two countries do not allow American influence in their world policies, enjoying parallel world power status in economy and military might.

It has always been hardly open to debate that real American world policy makers are the establishment, the Pentagon. Newly elected Presidents have a legal and constitutional binding to implement these policies and plans. Nevertheless constitutionally a new US President is harnessed with the powers to count on the change of a previous National policy but that usually is seen very rarely in the entire history of modern America. John F. Kennedy, the 35th US President had vowed to take government control of the Federal Bank of America which was under the control of powerful Jewish capitalist lobby in 1961. It resulted in to his assassination in 1963. With the BECA signed with India America in future is bound to adhere to it for India is a strategic partner to her in safeguarding its interests in the Asia pacific region.

Any pressure mounted on New Delhi to roll back CAA NRC and 370 restoration may face failure by the counter pulls and pressures exerted by India to pull out of the strategic partnership and mend her relations with China by joining CPEC. Obama had pertinently experienced the risk when he started influencing Kashmir resolution during initial phase of his Presidency. Afghanistan may get worsened if Biden quashes Trump’s peace deal. But inevitably it would be catastrophic for US too because this time US would be facing more powerful Taliban at whose back is standing both Russia and the mighty dragon. Iran has also of late developed renewed interest in backing Taliban.

Pakistan’s cherished aspiration of America’s proactive mediation on Kashmir is ostensibly unpromising. Being a strong supporter of one China policy Islamabad will continue to experience a huge deficit in her relationship towards Washington. The one and the only country always remaining unaffected by the changing regimes in US is Israel. All US Presidents in the history survive only by supporting the cause of Zionists for they control the virtual economy of the US. This lobby has deeply infiltrated in the American establishment and the military top brass. The incoming American Presidential legacy has remained thus far to continue with the most of the policies tailored by the establishment and defense headquarters.


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