An unforgettable Trip to Tarsar and Marsar

There is so much run of the mill stuff we are doing or obligated to do.We get stumped and swamped. We have become used to chaos and confrontations.

Our peace and quiet has taken a backseat. We while away many hours on supercilious social media which has become almost everyone’s obsession.

With the tremendous strides in the technology we as a matter of fact couldn’t  connect with ourselves and are clueless about the outrageous outcomes.

We are rattling through the multiple tasks but still more pressing demands come up on the horizon. We have forgotten to soak ourselves in the little joys of life which can offer us so much to heal our souls

Life is all about striking a balancing between labour and leisure. Once we understand that, we try to reconcile and stop being too harsh with ourselves.

All work and no play makes life dull and dispiriting. Bearing that in mind, we should be clear about what we want out of life and strive hard to achieve the goals that will give us a kick.

Goals that will make us happy and healthy. Goals which contribute for the greater good of the society. Social success lies in inspiring others. It is about helping them to make phenomenal life changes.

It is the paramount need of the hour when so much of disquieting stuff is happening around. When we are bogged down in the miseries and misfortunes, those who take a call and lead from the front rise upto the challenges.

We stand out when we challenge our limits and do the things differently. There are always ways and means which can lead us to the excellence. The achievements which are worth to set a new path.

Pursuits which inspire and infuse enthusiasm in others. What should matter for us how we can give succour and strength to others.

Our approach shouldn’t be “holier than thou” attitude but we should always render our helping hand to others through our activities to soar their spirits. We should set the path and course of action for them.

Being an accounts professional it has never been easy for me to take sometime time off from my exacting work schedule. But somehow I set my priorities right in order, so that I can get time for myself to explore the nature.

There couldn’t be a better way and place than mountains to harmonise my restless soul. Taking a dip in the beguiling mysteries of mountains always makes me feel alive.

I always love to cherish this unfettered heavenly experience and will never have excuses to say a “hard no” to my comrades whose winning ways I always admire. It has become quintessence of our lives as mountains always beckon us. A hankering to return to them is inevitable.

During the last week of August 2022, I had so many things etched in my mind but the protracted rainy spell played the spoilsport at many prominent places, except the weather forecast of Tarsar Marsar was predicted not to be so severe.

After meticulous planning with the team members of “Street Fighters Club “we decided to trek these all time favourite places. These twin lakes always whet my appetite. I had been to these arguably the best Alpine lakes many times via traditional route but this time we planned to traverse it from the Sindh valley.

It was going to be the hell of a herculean task as we had to carry backpacks, and tents ourselves due to non-availablity of ponies. We split 21 trekkers into 7 groups. It was also decided that every person would carry 10 Lavassas, traditional Kashmiri bread,  and one dish for his designated group.

It was going to be a long-haul trek of two days and one night. On 28th August 2022, due to inclement weather, we started our journey from Badamwari, Srinager, a bit late in the morning and reached rustic Sumbal village, Kangan at around 7.50 AM.

Within 10 minutes, we arranged our belongings and left immediately towards our destination. After 45 minute brisk walk we were quite peckish and had a tea to  reinvigorate ourselves.It was our Dopamine shot to remain determined and trudge the tough trail that was ahead.

We flocked and forged through the vast expanse of the Sindh valley, chatting and cherishing the breathtaking beauty. The steep serpentine trail through the dense forest cast such a magical spell on us that our enthusiasm reached the fever pitch.

We forgot about the back breaking stuff that we were carrying on our shoulders. The SFC team and trekker leaders Mr. Abid Amin Bhat and Mr.Sajad Mir extended their full support and had been patient with all the team members.

Wherever we could catch network, the fellow trekkers sought the medical consultation for their kith and kin from the renowned Gastroentrologist Dr Manzoor Wani, who was also with us. He had been very supportive to all of them. Although steep ascend was enervating but Zahid Kota and Mir Afaq, as usual spun the rib ticking humour throughout our journey.

With fun and fervor, we inched pass the difficult terrain and made to the tenuously clouded verdant Sanamus Valley.

It had a fairytale setting. We were famished and decided to have our lunch here. While having our meals, we became worried when we noticed DSP Imtiyaz was blinking his eyes and rasping in his throat.

There was a fraught silence but to everyone’s surprise, within no time, he scarfed down more than 1Kg Chicken Biryani, Lemon Chicken, Chutneys and 2-3 Lavassas.

Our group buddy Adfar Malik SB, had been a gracious host. We were also too filled out to do anything else but we didn’t give up and offered our prayers as quickly as possible and then took a power nap. Meanwhile the patchy drizzle woke us up and we left the place hurriedly.

The fluffy clouds were chasing us all over the steep trail. The weather was simply gorgeous. It was the life time experience to cherish such an adventure and ambience. It was overwhelming to have witnessed this spectacle till we were about to reach Hoksar, where it rained pitchforks.

The temperature fell all of a sudden. We had to reckon with strong winds and freezing cold. We took a shelter in Kotha where generous Bakerwal family offered us piping hot Nun Chai.

We put on rain gear and made determined efforts to reach Hoksar and a water body adjacent to it. After we were done with our observations and photo session, we quickly treaded the rocky stretch to reach other side of the Sanamus pass (Elevation Around 4000 Mts).

The rain soaked Zajimarg meadow and mountain peaks abutting it,were looking surreal.It was getting  dark by the time, we reached Sundersar at around 6 p.m.We immediately pitched the tents in the midst of ear-splitting thunders which were scary but abated only after sometime.

We had a scrumptious dinner and within no time fell into a gentle slumber.The morning view of Sundersar was spectacular as the rising sun illuminated it in varied shades.After finishing our breakfast,we all mucked in to clean the place.It was done and dusted.

Towards the east of Sundersar,we plodded over  the stones and scree.Within 10 minutes we were atop of the ridge .From there we literally glided towards Marsar.

The over hang view of mesmerizing Marsar was captivating .We descended carefully and cherished the peaceful calm there.We ran as fast as our feet could carry us on the vast lush green meadows and stoutly toiled up the  steep winding ridge.

After more than one hour of vigorous hike we reached the another pass of 4000 Mts  elevetion which furnishes spectacular overlooks of almond shaped Tarsar Lake.We were stunned to witness the changing colours of this lake which transmuted in a flash of seconds.

It was bewitching to see swathes of clouds coming from the snow capped peaks wafting over its turquoise blue-green pristine waters.In it’s backdrop, no other mountain could have complemented its splendor better than the mighty Mount Kolhai.

It was sheer bliss and peace to be soaking in such a grandeur on its shores. To all intents and purposes, there could not be the best place than Tarsar where 3 SFC team members Mir Afaq, Zahid Kota and Shabir Ahmad Dar completed and celebrated their feat of 50 Alpine lakes summit.

After strenuous trekking, it was the ideal place to be wrapped up in its wondrous beauty. Meanwhile the overcast sky couldn’t be trusted and with a heavy heart we had to leave the place. We descended the gentle downhill slopes.

We snaked all the way from exquisite Tarsar Valley to Sekwas and on the dot at 1pm we made it to Lidderwat. In the backdrop of sudden downpour and roaring Lidder river, we relished the moment of glory and feasted on our victory lunch.

We had a great time there and stayed till rains stopped. We followed the sinuous path through the pine forest. The moment we reached quaint Aru village at around 6 pm, we got caught in torrential rain.

Somehow we managed to board the vehicle and drove away in pitch-black. We reflected on how we pulled through this action-packed trip and expressed immense gratitude to Allah for  making it very easy and exciting for us.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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