Borderland Treasures


Nestled in the majestic Himalayas, the breathtaking region of Kashmir has long been acclaimed for its unparalleled natural beauty. While popular tourist destinations like Gulmarg and Pahalgam have captured the hearts of visitors, there exist lesser-known places that hold immense potential for border tourism.

Keran, Seemari Teetwal, and Kaman Post are three such hidden gems, each offering a unique experience at the meeting point of India and Pakistan. In this article, we will delve into the enchanting allure of these border villages and discuss the urgent need for infrastructure development to unlock their tourism potential.

KERAN: Located in the Kupwara district, Keran stands as a testament to the power of human connection. Its close proximity to settlements on the other side of Kashmir has fostered the development of substantial infrastructure, attracting frequent visits from people residing in Pakistan-Side of Kashmir. Here, amidst the scenic beauty, one can witness a heartwarming sight – people on both sides of the divide exchanging greetings and waving at each other. A notable feature of Keran is the Kishan Ganga River, known as Neelum River in Pakistan, which flows freely without a fence, symbolizing the unbroken bond between the two Kashmirs.

SEEMARI TEETWAL: In the Kupwara district lies Seemari Teetwal, a place where two roads, one from the Indian side and the other from Pakistan, run parallel to each other. While relatively less visited, this picturesque location exudes an iconic beauty along its roadside. Despite fewer footfalls, the proximity of Seemari Tweetwal allows people from both sides to catch glimpses of each other, fostering a sense of connection. It is a haven where the longing for reunion transcends borders, creating a shared yearning for peace and harmony.

URI – KAMAN AMAN SETU: Situated at Kaman Post in the Baramulla district, the Uri-Kaman Aman Setu, also known as the Peace Bridge, holds immense significance as it marks the final point on the Line of Control. Since its opening to the public and tourists in June 2023, it has aimed to promote border tourism and bridge the gap between the divided regions. The Peace Bridge serves as the sole road link connecting Pakistan-Kashmir and Kashmir, offering an opportunity for cultural exchange and rekindling bonds that were strained for decades. Notably, this bridge was instrumental in establishing a historic bus service in 2005, allowing travel from Srinagar to Muzaffarabad. Unfortunately, due to security concerns, the service was discontinued in 2018.

These three border villages possess immense tourism potential, yet they remain largely unexplored due to the lack of infrastructure. Recognizing the need to diversify the tourism offerings beyond Gulmarg and Pahalgam, it is crucial for the government to invest in developing these hidden gems. Building proper roads, tourist bungalows, and other necessary amenities will not only attract visitors from outside Kashmir but also provide the local population with new opportunities for growth and prosperity.

The beauty of Kashmir extends far beyond its popular tourist destinations. Keran, Seemari Teetwal , and Kaman Post exemplify the spirit of unity and connection that transcends borders. These hidden gems have the potential to captivate the hearts of travelers seeking new experiences. It is imperative for the government to recognize and invest in these areas, creating robust infrastructure that supports border tourism. By doing so, we can foster greater understanding, promote peace, and unlock the true potential of these enchanting border villages .

Author is Lecturer Political Science, School Education Department, J&K.

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