Community as a contributor

More than government it is community that sets new ways of thinking and acting. World over when any huge problem is faced by governments, they invoke communities. We have witnessed in this pandemic also, how the role of community was needed in controlling the spread of this disease. Likewise we have seen earlier how a campaign against tobacco use, or against domestics violence, succeeded once people came forward and worked for the change. This time the world is facing the problem of environment, and states all over the globe are trying to save environment from the catastrophic impact of industrialisation. At the same time governments are trying hard to curtail pollution levels, and also preserving natural resources like water and green cover. But all these efforts fall short if people don’t cooperate. In Kashmir we are also faced with this problem of shrinking water resources, hence an adverse impact on environment. Though we have specific laws and dedicated departments to take care of water bodies, but the condition of these is a poignant reminder of the failure on this count. This failure is not explained only by the under performance of government departments, but people have significantly contributed to disaster. So the simple mathematics says that the two, the government and the community, must work in tandem to retrieve the shrinking water bodies. If the District Development Commissioner (DDC) Srinagar, chairs a meeting of officers to review the works carried out for restoration of historical water bodies in Srinagar including Nigeen Lake, Khushaal sar, Gilsar and Nalah-e-Amir Khan, it is one part of the task. The other is to involve the community. The ideas expressed in the meeting reflect the same urge. An appeal to people to stop polluting water bodies must be heeded, and changes brought in our behaviour. We have ourselves destroyed these water bodies, and we must compensate for our misdeeds. All the projects taken up by the government departments would yield little if people don’t contribute in a positive way.

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