Creation in pairs

Allah (SwT)’s creation embodies a universally applied principle—Creation in Pairs. It is One and Only Allah (SwT) Who is beyond possessing a pair, a likeness or an equal, otherwise the principle of pairs holds in all things, as ordained:

‘’Glory to Allah, exalted beyond all, Who created pairs in all things that the earth produces, as well as their own selves  (human kind) and many other things of which you know nothing’’ (36:36) 

There are three examples of pairs as noted in the Holy Verse: pairs produced by the earth, pairs of selves (human kind) and many other created pairs of which we have no knowledge.

Pairs produced by the earth may be listed as: similar pairs that differ in their physical and chemical characteristics e.g. metals and nonmetals, biologically opposed pairs–the male and the female sexes of plants and animals and physically opposed pairs, these include: electrically opposed pairs–positively and negatively electrically charged ions and magnetically opposed pairs–the poles of a magnet referred to as North and South respectively.

Pairs of selves (human kind): e.g. could be–men and women (opposite partners) complimentary personality traits: cruel/compassionate, brave/cowardly, generous/miserly and traits which are similar but subject to opposite value judgements: barbarism/courage, hypocrisy/consideration.

Many other created pairs of which we have no knowledge: Turkish scholar–Dr. Haluk Nurbaki in his treatise ‘VERSES FROM GLORIOUS KORAN AND FACTS OF SCIENCES’ speculates that some of the created pairs could be– processes of energy emission and absorption which physics and astrophysics have recognized in recent times and forces of attraction and repulsion–gravitation counterbalanced by centrifugal force—if the opposite between these forces did not exist, all planets would either fall in their respective suns or be flung into outer space

It emerges thus that Divine Shaping of Pairs is mandatory for maintaining Universal Balance.

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