Crime against women

The Principal Sessions Court in Srinagar sentenced two persons to life imprisonment in a case related to an acid attack on a law student in 2014.

It is being hoped that the verdict, and all other measures being taken to prevent crime against women and punish the guilty, would act as a deterrent for such incidents.

According to reports there is an increase in the cases related to crime against women. This is a dangerous trend and needs to be curbed strictly at all levels. Such incidents are totally unacceptable and have no place in a civilized society.

Be it acid attacks, murders and other crimes against women, all those involved must be brought to justice.

A number of women were killed for last few years. The brutal murder of a woman in Budgam district had shocked the valley.

These are major crimes, which get public attention. Women face other crimes and problems in their day-to-day life which almost go unnoticed.

There should be an immediate end to incidents related to domestic violence against women. Such incidents make their lives miserable.

It is the responsibility of family heads to help stopping violence against women members of their families, wherever such incidents occur.

The neighbours and relatives too have a responsibility to play their role whenever such incidents come into their notice. The investigating agencies too must effectively investigate such cases.

The guilty must not go unpunished. Besides the stern measures, there is a need to create awareness so that the women feel safe and secured in the society and do not face problems in their lives. Workplaces must be made safer for them.

They should not face any problem while working in their offices. Travel in public transport too must be safer for them. Seats must be reserved for them in buses.

Special buses only for females must be run on various routes and the number of such buses must be increased with time. While there are some buses for female passengers plying on some routes, their number is not sufficient.

Such services must be also started from near the colleges and schools also. The overall environment must be made safer for the women in the society. Whatever steps are required have to be taken in this direction.

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