Cyberbullying is a major issue

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As the use of the internet keeps growing, cyberbullying is also increasing every day. The repercussions of cyberbullying can be grave, and no one should have to endure it. The victims are often angry, frightened, and perplexed. They are unsure why the attack happens to them and seek help to resolve their troubles.

We can try to stop cyberbullying and take the required steps to tackle it, but there is no certainty that we can completely stop it. It is important to implement safety measures, you must continue to have conversations about cyberbullying to raise awareness about the risks associated with it and ways to report it.


No matter how hard it seems, the victims should not retaliate as this may encourage the aggressive behavior of the cyberbully. It is important to be aware of what cyberbullying is, its causes, its impacts, and the means to avoid it. Knowledge is power and use this power to create awareness about cyberbullying amongst family, friends, and peers.

There are several apps and services that display your IP address to people you are interacting with. Cyberstalkers can use your IP address and find out your personal information. You should avoid sharing too much personal information like phone numbers, residential addresses, and e-mail addresses online.

It’s important to remember that not all people that you meet online are trustworthy and you should be cautious while interacting with people on the internet. For example, a social media profile with a young girl’s picture might be someone pretending to be a young girl to befriend other young people and gather information about them.

Be careful with what you share. Limit the amount of personal information you share on social media, such as your full name, date of birth, address, phone number, and financial information. You should frequently review your privacy settings and make sure they align with your preferences.

Be cautious when downloading apps that connect to your social media accounts and read the app’s privacy policy carefully before installing it. If you notice any suspicious activity on your social media account, report it to the platform and change your password immediately.

Use strong passwords for your email, social media, and devices like internet routers, Wi-Fi passwords because this is the most effective way to protect yourself from cyberbullying and also enable two-factor authentication for added security. You should never share your passwords with anyone else including family or friends. Sign out of all types of accounts while using public computers at libraries, cafes, etc.

If the accounts have not been logged out then someone can log into these accounts, change passwords, and misuse your accounts. The cyberbully might impersonate you and create fake posts and comments. Once you lose control, it might be challenging to regain control.

It is a good habit to take some time out to think before posting things online. You should follow proper etiquette while using social media platforms and also avoid posting anything that can compromise your reputation. People are often judged based on how you appear to them online and if something is inappropriate then bullies can use it against you and target you. In addition to this, you should ask yourself if any personal information like location, geotags, etc., can be determined from the online posts.

Schools should implement programs to improve the mental health climate of children and teens by hiring counsellors who can help both victims and bullies. There should be easy access to online portals that help students to report cyberbullying cases and should monitor the online activities of students for any signs of cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying at work can be more harmful because the victim is unable to focus on their work and the bully is constantly there, which may finally force the victim to quit their employment. It affects the performance of an employee. They are unable to concentrate on tasks and it affects their productivity.

Victims may feel unsafe stepping out of their homes in the fear of running into the bully. They might need time to heal their wounds, which may shorten their work hours and may even lead them to quit their job.  It is important to train the employees and explain to them the signs of workplace cyberbullying to prevent cyberbullying. When a co-worker or supervisor says something provocative, posts something incorrectly, or attacks you online, pause to gather your thoughts, immediately inform the HR department so it ends instantly. If your employer refuses to address the issue, then please contact the police and file a report.

All organizations should have clarity on the proactive procedures that are required for responding to and preventing any form of cyberbullying.  People should realize that there are various measures they can take whenever they are cyberbullied like blocking a person, reporting to respective social media platforms, reporting to police etc.

If you are being cyberbullied, the first step is to seek help from someone you trust and discuss the details of the cyberbullying you have experienced, including the types of messages or posts you have received and the impact it has had on you.

The next step should be blocking and reporting the cyberbully formally on the platform itself. Most social media platforms have the option of reporting which can be used to report cyberbullying. Bullying must be stopped, and reporting incidents might help bullies understand that their actions are unacceptable. If the bullying is becoming too threatening and destructive, then a person should report to the concerned authorities immediately. Although there are various ways to report cyberbullying, different countries have different reporting systems.

If you are a victim of cyberbullying, you can register a complaint at the cybercrime unit of the local police. It can be reported to cybercrime units anywhere in India, Cyber Cells were created to investigate internet-related criminal activities and help distressed victims. If the victim’s city doesn’t have a cyber cell, they can register an FIR at the nearest police station.

Cyberbullying is dangerous and is a serious issue that needs to be addressed worldwide and it will require a large mind shift to resolve it. No matter how challenging the solution is, it is important to start fighting against such toxic behaviors before it keeps increasing

Author is  research scholar at University of Hyderabad.

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