Delay in distribution of free textbooks

Latest reports say that there is a delay in the distribution of free textbooks by School Education Department (SED) among the students of the government schools.

Even as the new academic session has started two months back, not all students have received the books. The delay is affecting the academic progress of the students.

All the books must be provided to all the students so that they do not suffer because of their non-availability. Further delay can affect their studies and their subsequent performance in the examinations.

The students who are yet to receive the books must not develop the feeling of being deprived of the important learning material.

The concerned authorities must take all possible steps so that the problem is solved at the earliest. There is no justification in sitting on the issue and making the students to suffer unnecessarily.

When the textbooks are available in bulk in the market why the concerned officials are failing to provide the free textbooks to all the students in all government schools.

That means the delay should not have been there, but it is there. It also means that there is lack of speedy action by some officials at some level. Whatever the reasons, the students must not be made to suffer.

All the students need the updated textbooks so that they do not miss the updated content in the latest textbooks.

They should not be made to re-use the books, already used by the students last year and not updated this year. As per the schedule the distribution of the free textbooks was to start from April 5 and all the students should have got the new books in the last week of April or first week of May.

Reports indicate that there are still a number of students in several zones who have not received the books and some students gave got only a few books and most other books are unavailable to them.

It is being hoped that the concerned authorities act fast and provide the free textbooks to all the students at the earliest. If the officials at the lower levels have not sent the requisition for the required books in time, they should be taken to task.

If the requisition has been made and still the books are being not supplied, then this problem too should be taken care of without further delay. The delay is not in the interests of the students and must be avoided at all the levels. 

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