Eye flu cases

Eye flu cases are being reported for last some weeks from several parts of Jammu and Kashmir.

Thousands of people  were affected or are getting affected. According to the officials, the number of such cases has started dropping in a number of areas.

The rise in the eye flu cases also known as conjunctivitis has caused concern among the people particularly the parents of school going children. The patients started visiting the  health facilities for treatment.

According to reports all the districts in Kashmir were affected, while Anantnag and Baramulla were more affected. Jammu districts too were hit by eye flu.

The officials said the patients are being treated in city hospitals and district level hospitals and some other health facilities, where ophthalmologist are available.

The authorities must focus on the far flung areas also so that the patients there too get the timely treatment. In absence of the proper medical treatment, they should not go for self treatment, which can be dangerous for their eyes.

The patients there must have access for proper treatment. They should not have to travel to far off places to get examined by an ophthalmologist. Even hospital in other areas too must have facility for the treatment of eye flue. 

Authorities must ensure availability of ophthalmologists in other hospitals also for the convenience of the patients. The vacant posts of ophthalmologists must be filled so that the patients do not face problems in future if such situations arise.

Besides the treatment the preventive measures are also important to prevent the further spread of the eye flue. According to health experts the condition affects people of all age groups. However, there are no long-term complications.

The symptoms of eye flue include red eyes with thick secretions. It may or may not be accompanied by other flu symptoms. The doctors say that the redness takes one to two weeks to clear up.

Avoiding close contact with infected person is important to stop the spread of the eye flu.

Maintaining optimal hygiene and frequent hand washing with soap for at least 20 seconds, particularly after touching the face or contaminated surfaces has been also advised.

More such preventive measures have also been advised, which need to be adhered to. With timely treatment and preventive measures, the eye flue spread can be stopped.

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