Fatal road accidents

Road accidents continue to occur in Srinagar city and other parts of Jammu and Kashmir. Sometimes precious lives are lost in such mishaps. People also get injured and some of the injuries are of serious nature.

The routine road accidents get un-noticed and the major ones come into the notice of people. In a recent road accident at HMT area in Srinagar one person was killed.

Violation of traffic rules is the main reason for such accidents. Over-speeding and related violations by drivers lead to most accidents. At some places it appears that for a number of people, driving four wheelers or riding motorbikes, the roads for them are for racing with high speed and not driving safely.

By doing so they endanger the lives of those in other vehicles, and also of the pedestrians. The dangerous speed kills those hit by such speedy vehicles. Even the speed also proves fatal for others. Heated arguments, sometimes even scuffles, occur between the drivers whose vehicles are involved in minor and non-fatal accidents.

These arguments or clashes at times cause traffic jamming on roads. The traffic authorities must focus also on such violations. The drive against violators must not remain confined to e challaning for wrong parking on roads.

The over-speeding and other violations are killing people on roads. If strict action is not taken in such cases, the number of accidents is bound to increase and so will increase the deaths and injuries on roads.

The concerned sections of society too must come forward to co-operate and solve this problem. The families too must create awareness among their members regarding fatal results of violation of traffic rules.

Those driving should be told in categoric terms not to over-speed or indulge in other violations. Every member of every family is invaluable. Losing a member in an accident is a tragedy.

Families suffer because of it. Those responsible for such mishaps must understand that their deliberate actions kill and injure people on roads, and then there is no end to the sufferings of the affected families.

A traffic personnel cannot be present everywhere to check violations. It is also the responsibility of those driving, to drive responsibly. Driving is patience, and not racing. Following the rules is in everybody’s interests.

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