Friday Focus | Law of Succession & Substitution

Allah’s law holds that everyone is assigned a positionaccording to his deeds, of which Allah is not unaware. What holds good forindividuals holds good on societal level, and applies to nations as well, whereone group of people may be succeeded and substituted by another group ofpeople, depending  on the performance asper the assigned deed (Amal).

”Your Lord is Rich Beyond Need, the Possessor of Mercy. IfHe Wills, He Can do away with you, and substitute whomever He Wills in yourplace, just as He produced you from the descendants of another people”(06:133)  

Allah’s Promise holds and comes at the appointed hour, itcannot be thwarted:

”What you are promised is coming, and you cannot thwartit” (06:134)

 The governance as perDivine Decrees is not beholden to any particular group of people in a societalbinding, a grouping of Ummah or a national combine. Allah bestows his favours,as per how the people shape their responses to His Laws:

”Say O my people! Work according to your ability and sowill I. You will come to know to whom will belong the sequel of the abode. Thewrongdoers will not prevail” (06:135)  

Allah leaves enough space for people to fulfill physicallandmarks of development, and of spiritual growth as well. His compassion isevenly distributed across societies, ummahs, and nations. However, it fallsupon people bound in societal network, Ummah grouping or national combine toavail the opportunity provided. If the given opportunity is not availed, itfalls within Divine Purview to set aside one group of people, and bestow HisFavours on another group of people. No body, no group of people may thus claiman exclusive right to Allah’s Favours. Growth in physical terms and inspiritual realm is incumbent on performance, on deed (Amal) as per what are youdoing to improve the human condition, that being the litmus test, exemplifiedas the essence in all the original sacred scriptures, and personifiedexponentially in Quran-e-Kareem.

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