Friday Focus: Religion as Amusement

Speaking of the misguided deniers of Truth, theQuran says: Those who took their religion as amusement and play and whomthis world’s life deluded… (7:51)

As is true of every Divine utterance,this is a very comprehensive Quranic statement. Syntactically it can also berendered as ‘those who took amusement and play as their religion and whomthis world’s life deluded.‘ In effect both renderings mean the same forpractically ‘religion is recreation’ is the same as ‘recreation is religion’.The origin of this fatal confusion lies in the fact that the misguided deniersof Truth consider this world’s life as the be-all and end-all of theirexistence. This determines their attitude, their thinking and action in allspheres of life so much so that the contours and directions of their scholarlyand scientific endeavours are also decided by this. In the cryptic Quranicdescription again:

That (this world) is the ultimate reach of theirknowledge. (53:29)

We may use euphemistic terms like Humanism, Positivism orSecular vision to describe this world-view, but the reality remains unchanged.

Inevitably therefore in athis-worldly way of life recreation become the ultimate ideal to realize.   Look at the importance attached to entertainment– music, dance and sport – in modern civilization as well as the this-worldlycivilizations that have preceded it in history and you will realize the depthsof the above-quoted Quranic statements.

It is to be borne in mindthat the Quran does not, in any way, imply that recreation has no place inlife. What it says is that life is a serious business and not mere recreation.Nor is the world, on the Quranic view, to be abandoned or neglected; it is tobe meaningfully used to realise the higher purposes of life – spiritualupliftment, moral purification and achievement of Allah’s pleasure throughdedicated service of mankind according to Divine guidance. Every part of theQuran instructs us how to live such a life – fulfilling all our biological needslegitimately and for higher ends. This is beautifully reflected in thefollowing aayat of surah al-Baqarah:

And amongst people are those who say, ‘Lord, grant us (thebounties of) this world only and for them there is no share in the Hereafter.And amongst them are those who say, ‘Lord, grant us the good of this world andgood of the Hereafter and save us from the torment of Fire.‘ (2:200-201)

The two prayerssymbolise two distinct ways of life. Those who live for this world only may notbe believers and may not raise any prayer but they are living embodiments ofthis world-view. The other category believes, prays and uses this life as ameans of eternal salvation.

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