Just a look inside!

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The news story about the dismal state of affairs in government schools is nothing new. This time it is about the low level of technological intervention in the government schools. One straight question that goes to the authorities at the helm is to explain the absence of computers in their schools.

But that is not the question one should be asking. The question that stares the education department straight in the eye is more piercing. Had it been the case with private schools, what would be the next step? All the officials would sharpen the knives and prepare for an assault. The high voltage statements would be issued, explanations sought from the private schools found wanting in this regard, and the managements would be summoned to respective offices. But here, the news comes: the day passes off, and the next morning the sun rises at the same time and sets again at the same time.


Nothing happens, and there is none to ask why nothing happens. The question is this: who is to evaluate the government schools and fix culpability there? If a private school is asked to keep dozens of NoCs always ready, do we have the same standards applied to the government schools? If the private school managements are summoned, and fined, for any deviations, who, in the case of the government schools, should be summoned and then put in the dock? Lest it sound like advocating one type of schools, mind it, the point is different.

The binary of Private-Government is desecrating the very soul of education. Unfortunately, the officials in the government dealing with school education never transcend this binary. With a singular focus on making things difficult for private schools, and always ready with a stick, the government run schools have literally gone to dogs.

If we really cared for education, the distinction between private and government would not guide our approach, and more than that, we would have created the best of the examples in the shape of government schools. That would even take care of the ills in the private schools.


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