Lack of space in government schools

A number of government schools in Jammu and Kashmir are not having adequate space to accommodate properly all the students.

While so much is being done at the government level to motivate people to admit their children in government schools, lack of space in several schools is a problem.

Reports say that at some places only three rooms are available for a middle school and two rooms for primary schools. Subsequently, in a room several classes have to be operated simultaneously.

This affects the teaching process of the teachers and the learning process of the students. Sometimes the classes are conducted in open. And in case of the rough weather these classes are to be suspended.

There is an urgent need to have a serious look towards this problem. A survey has to be conducted to identify such schools, lacking space and not having proper building. And subsequently the new school buildings have to be constructed at the earliest.

There are also reports that construction of some school buildings was started several years back but never completed. Schools are operating in these half constructed buildings.

While so much of encouragement is being done for the kids to study in government schools, the overall infrastructure in the schools too must be improved. Construction of new buildings where ever required has to be made. The school must also have the facility of drinking water and washrooms.

Safe drinking water must be supplied to schools to save students from getting affected by water borne diseases. Some schools do not have a wash room facility.

This problem also needs to be addressed. Besides some schools need libraries and laboratories but such facilities are not available to students there. The facilities must be provided so that the students are able to study and learn effectively in schools.

The facilities must be improved in government schools. There is a need to come out of the pre-conceived notion that most people in urban areas particularly in the city get their kids admitted in private schools only.

Surely the private schools are being preferred by a section of people but there are other sections of people who want their children to study in government schools because of their financial conditions.

Secondly, a number of facilities are available for the kids in government schools, which help them to continue their studies.

Reports from both urban and rural areas suggest that lack of accommodation is a problem in government schools at some places. This problem can be solved with serious approach and plan.

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