Loner in ‘’wonderland’’

What buckles up your six senses?  A luxury getaway, a high-end glamour destination, an ancient cultural dazzle or a cuisine-centred travel?  The selected ‘some’ are beyond Italy’s Tuscan villa, Munich’s Marienplatz or Turkey’s Kabak Bay.

Personally, my idea of an electrifying landscape is not of an azure vista melting into the horizon or a celestial panorama viewed from top of the world. It is a sober expression of artistry bedecked with simplicity, jewelled with minimalism, smiling in all shades, blushing in all hues.

Narrow pathways winding through canopied trees lead to Kashmir’s personal paradisiacal destination. Nestled amidst pretty peaks, breathing against a forested backdrop, pulsating with greenery, laughing with wildflowers and roaring with Sindh, Sonamarg is a painstaking stroke on His canvas.

80 kilometres from noisy Srinagar, the magical meadow is a pure summery paradise whose picture-perfect outdoors boast magnificent vistas. Whether it is a milestone celebration, an intimate nuptial knot, a formal gathering or a private retreat, Sonamarg is irresistible for adventure-seekers and unmissable for nature-lovers.

The beauty of the topography at the lush expansive environs is an unforgettable ache in the bones. When father said, “Sonamarg is like a locked room for all old love affairs that had no if’s and but’s”, I felt the crack in the voice.

Seamless cerulean sky, towering peaks, snowy slopes, passive warmth, subtle breeze, pastoral fragrance, glistening Sindh, muffled stillness and studied silence – Sonamarg has a tranquil ambience that slows speeds and soothes souls. The freshness invokes a deep sense of well-being, allowing one to embrace the bliss of surroundings.

The pastel river, with its source at the Machoi glacier- (15700 feet from ground) bears a healing capacity; completes a calming sojourn in this hilly region. The foudroyant asymmetrical pines, firs and birches rise to the sky and sing ‘’ Beauty is in imperfection.’’ Sonamarg inspires one to put thyself first as one replenishes the spiritual self. 

No cultural performances, no firework shows, no glamorous entertainment, no dining venues, no exclusive menus; yes breathtaking terrain, yes off-piste routes, yes spectacular views, yes exhilarating hike ups, yes natural detoxification, yes surreal scenery, yes undivided attention, yes unmatched indulgence- that is Sonamarg for you. Simply delectable.

God’s artwork has many layers to it. Uncover one and find another of it. Ever wondered what bees see in flowers? What dogs smell on streets? How sensitive is an old giant rock? Do trees clap with their leaves when winds whisper something to them? Do lofty mountains kiss clouds? Is a meandering river musical; with its high and low notes perfectly synchronised? Do conifers take pride in their intricate detailing? Sonamarg draws loners like me to indulge in finer things in life.

While the call of gushing gusts fills the serene ambience, I sense romance perfectly encased in elegance. When the heavenly scent of fresh breeze caresses my face, my heart admires the refreshing elixir of God’s wonder. When I see undulating brown-beige mountains stretching as far as eyes can see, I feel suspended in time. 

The unfiltered haven satiates my ‘’nature-lover’’ cravings to the fullest. The fairy-tale allure of the place punches hard at my anxiety. Stress melts away in the lap of God’s marvel. The only 3Gs (Gumri, Gumail and Gagangeer) that rightly disconnect one from the outer muck.

The peaceful quotient of the trip is multiplied as one reaches Baltal. Greater God resides here; the producer of a wholesome watch; the giver of a soulful experience. In a world where co-existence and conflicts govern all walks of life, celebrating solace and embracing solitude is the finest form of relaxation I find.

The words woven above display the unspoilt side of the painting. The other side is the opposite- tailored and filtered. ‘’Ecology is the permanent economy’’ is translating into oblivion in this picturesque hill station. Weeks ago, when scientists announced ‘’Earth is sick’’, the golden meadow flashed across my mindscape; silently suffering at the hands of human insensitivity and insanity.

Sorry to say, we could not safeguard this environmentally sensitive zone from the pangs of urbanization. Commercial projects in disguise of development policy and valley tourism are taking a massive toll on its ecological health of. Call it by any name- encroachment projects, civilian connectivity plans, strategy requirement models- every single design is putting tremendous pressure on this ailing macrocosm.

Environment impact assessments are restricted to big offices in the city. Ecological security patterns are maintained in files-on papers. Can’t we leave raw as raw? Can’t we stop unnecessary meddling with nature? Can’t we live and let live? Have we gone bonkers beyond repair? Have we forgotten “what comes around goes around” ?  When in Sonamarg I claim to be 8900 feet above all duality and façade, am I?

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK

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