Mapping the resource

Apart from human resource, what matters in any sector of human activity is the state of infrastructure. A good infrastructure means an enabling atmosphere for any human activity. In today’s development management the idea of infrastructure is actualised on scientific basis. A detailed assessment of needs and purposes is made, and then a matching infrastructure is put in place. What creates problems for the moderate economies is the lack of resources. That is where a project fails, or a target is missed. But unfortunately in some cases we have enough infra structure but that doesn’t produce desired results because it is not put to use properly, and optimally. For quite some time we have been raising this question through our news stories and editorials that we have buildings in place but they are only waiting to be used. In the education sector we have many schools and college buildings, reportedly ready to use, but they remain unused. This is an irony of sorts that a place where the need for schools and other educational facilities is desperately felt but despite the availability of infrastructure there are no plans to benefit from that infrastructure. One wonders what holds authorities back from immediately putting these buildings to proper use. Now that the department has taken an initiative to collect the data of abandoned buildings, one can only hope that all these structures are put to use in an efficient manner. Whichever part of the administration takes charge of these buildings, it should be ensured that they are used for public benefit. One can also suggest that after proper screening if these buildings are found suitable for emergency health services, some of these can be reserved for emergency situation. We are still passing through a pandemic, and we have learnt it the hard way that our healthcare infrastructure needs significant additions. At the same time some of these buildings can be put to multiple tasks. Since we are fast losing public spaces, government infrastructure can be, after some changes and diligent application of mind, added to such spaces.

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