Never lose hope

A positive attitude is a psychological food that boosts our morale and calms nervousness. It helps us tackle unpleasant.

We are living in a world where hectic schedules and daily frivolities add miseries to our lives. Unusual incidents and heart-wrenching accidents leave us in stressful conditions.


Consequently, sadness and depression are embellished upon our faces. Peace of mind has become a dream. Threats and negative feelings are gripping our mindsets, as a result we are unable to make the right decisions at right time.

In this all, we become pessimistic which ultimately leads to depression.

Pessimism emits negative energy and lowers our confidence. Lack of confidence makes us shy and shyness is a cause of failure. When failures imply our weak tactics we start cursing ourselves which again radiates negative energy and lowers our enthusiasm.

After that, we curse not only ourselves but also our associates. In such circumstances, we easily fall into the trap of mental illness and depression.

And depression is the chief agent of nervousness, heart attacks, and other diseases. A positive attitude lowers the rate of depression and reduces cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Our negative attitude changes our behavioural patterns which are responsible for shaping our personality and identity. When something bad happens to us we blame many things, however, we don’t accept it as part of our lives. Instead of uttering profanity, we must convince ourselves by accepting the fact that what happened had to happen and bad periods won’t last long.

This is the positivity that strengthens our mental stability and gives us hope in despair. Our bad temperament also instills negative energy among children whose personality is at the developmental stage. These children consequently become aggressive and rebel at a later stage of life.

We often skip our priority of instilling good energy among children who imitate our attitude and follow the same rules we adopt in our lives. So, it is necessary to abstain from abusing, scolding, or cursing them because these words push them to negative attitude.

We must let strong, positive, helpful thoughts enter the brains of children because it increases productivity.

Anger in any form and anywhere is never a healthy process. It causes disturbances and confusion not only among the people upon which anger is initiated but also harms the person who initiates it. It is not always advisable to scold children on minor issues. Love and patience are the best solutions to any problem particularly in shaping innocent souls.

Love casts sweet effect on the heart and brain. It nourishes and cherishes a positive peaceful atmosphere that is conducive to the spirit of sociability, brotherhood, and integration. Positivity is as important as our food because it is the positivity that controls our emotions and ensures stability. Stability is the base of peaceful life.

To understand the importance of a positive attitude let’s go through an illustration. Suppose our friend invites us to a great feast and offers the world’s best dishes. However, as soon as we commence to eat we hear him say, “hungry guys”.

Would we continue eating, or would we leave the dishes untouched? Of course, we would prefer hunger over an insult. Overall it is a matter of prestige and self-respect. So we can infer that a positive attitude is a form of love. It is a congenial atmosphere that maintains good relations and strengthens deep bonds. It boosts our morale and enthusiasm.

Contrary to this, a negative attitude develops a sense of hatred that destabilises our mental equilibrium as a result we get confused and nervousness overwhelms. It also develops a feeling of jealousness and prejudice which ultimately hurts our mental health.

This kind of attitude sometimes turns the tables against us and we are humiliated by people. We must stop complaining, gossiping, comparing, doubting, and envying.

Thus, it is advisable to be positive in all circumstances because positivity is the law of nature. Positivity bears the sweet fruits and adds gleam to our eyes.

Positivity means love, mercy, sympathy, care, empathy, and generosity. A divine quote mentions,” Don’t lose hope even though you have sinned a lot “ and hopelessness is against the faith.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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