Obesity Epidemic

Obesity epidemic continues to take a heavy toll on thenation’s health, making the body vulnerable to a new silent killer — metabolicdisease.

Formerly known as mysterious “Syndrome X,” the disorder hasbecome very common, affecting  a goodpercent of adults, as it’s growing alongside obesity.


Being overweight or obese can trigger the onset of metabolicsyndrome, but what are its exact root causes and who’s at risk?

Metabolic Syndrome: A cluster of conditions discovered lessthan 20 years ago, the syndrome is classified by a set of pathologies thatinclude high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high triglycerides, low HDLcholesterol, and obesity.

These pathologies tend to go hand-in-hand with the rise ofobesity, which can eventually lead to diabetes and hypertension, and therefore,metabolic syndrome.

Those with at least three of these five risk factors may bediagnosed with metabolic syndrome by their doctor. These cluster of conditionsare known to raise the risk for heart disease and other health problems thatcan become deadly Since metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factorsrather than a single disease, it’s likely to have several different causes.Overweight and obesity, an inactive lifestyle, and insulin resistance are amongsome causes that can be controlled compared to growing older and genetics.”These risk factors are very common in our society today. It’s difficult towalk down the street and not see at least one of them.

Metabolic Syndrome Prevention:

The dietary and fitness approach risk factors like obesity,age, diabetes, and Latin and Asian origin are associated with an increased riskof the disorder, but they can be modified with proper diet and exercise.

This can be improved by eating less sugar and more real foodfiber. The key is control. The trick is that cutting sugar and boosting realfood fiber temporarily is tough, but after a few days hunger and appetitedecreases, and it becomes easier. Regular vigorous exercise is also helpful. A2005 study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found lifestylechanges can be effective in preventing metabolic syndrome. People with impairedglucose tolerance — a pre-diabetic state — were 41 percent less likely to havemetabolic syndrome than those who got no treatment after exercising for 2.5hours a week and eating a low-calorie, low-fat diet for three years. Theselifestyle changes were also seen twice as effective as in Glucophage, adiabetes medicine.

Weight gain and physical inactivity in early childhood canincrease the chances of metabolic syndrome skyrocketing. This is why it’simperative to start children on a healthy path from the beginning to preventobesity and obesity-related conditions. Parents should make sure children aregetting outside and playing daily. Feed your children healthy food that doesn’tcome from a box or a drive-thru. For adults, losing even 10 percent of yourbody weight  can help lowertriglycerides, raise good HDL cholesterol, lower blood pressure and lower bloodsugar. Eating less calories and being active is also key components of preventing metabolic syndrome.

Overall, avoiding metabolic syndrome means making healthylifestyle changes

Dr Raese Noor Khan is a consultant Gastroenterologist andLiver disease specialist

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