Power scenario in Kashmir

Despite having enormous potential for power generation, Kashmir is yet to see the real best days in power sector and that too in the harsh winter. Those in the Power Development Department (PDD) are talking now about the improvement in the scenario and assuring a better supply.

The real test of their assurance and promises is the coming winter. That season will practically prove to what extent has the power scenario improved. People want a better power supply so that they do not suffer in winter season.


PDD must start winter preparedness and in advance chalk out a strategy for this purpose. Effective plans must be also evolved so that the power supply is disrupted for lesser time during a snowfall.

For that, pruning of tree branches where from supply lines pass must be done in autumn to reduce the faults.

Maintenance of transformers is also essential to minimise their breakdowns. The transformer must be kept ready in bulk stock for replacement.

Sometimes, it takes days or weeks to get a damaged transformer of an area replaced.

This problem is more serious in rural areas. Overloading on transformers due to power thefts should be stopped or minimised. Every effort should be made for better power supply.

The consumers too have a duty towards power supply. Electricity should be judiciously and as per the requirement used. Some consumers use power excessively.

They say they pay for it and do not indulge in power thefts and therefore have a right to use as much electricity as they wish. Such an approach is not good. Serious problems will get created if all the consumers adopt the same approach.

The usage of power should be regulated by the people as per their requirements. There should be no wastage of power even if some consumers think that they can afford to pay for the electricity, being wasted at their houses. There is already a huge gap between supply and demand during the months of winter.

This gap should not be widened due to incorrect moves. The flat-rate system of billing gave an excuse to some consumers to use electricity excessively. PDD has now been directed by the higher authorities to repair dysfunctional meters to put an end to the flat-rate system.

As per official figures, 1.15 lakh smart meters are being installed in Jammu and Srinagar cities. Additional six lakh meters are also to be installed subsequently. While taking these measures, the government must take solid steps so that there is significant improvement in power scenario.

New projects must be planned and executed so that more power is generated and utilised here. Be it any season, the people here deserve an uninterrupted power supply. If such things are possible outside, why not here?

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