School timings changed

Also provide heating arrangements in classrooms, wherever required

The Directorate of School Education, Kashmir ( (DSEK) has ordered  change in school timings from November 1. As per an order, all the government and private schools falling within Srinagar municipal limits shall function from 10 AM to 3 PM and those outside Srinagar municipal limits from 10.30 AM to 3.30 PM.

It is a good move in view of the increasing cold.  At the same time the authorities must also start taking measures for providing heating arrangements in classrooms. Such a requirement is very much there in the schools functioning in upper reaches. Because of the significant drop in the mercury level there,  cold inside the classrooms is a problem for the school children. If heating arrangements are put in place, in all such schools, the children will feel comfortable in the classrooms. As the cold will increase further in coming weeks, such a facility has to be made available in schools in the rest of the Valley. 

The school children should not be made to suffer in the cold. When the government is spending so much for the development of school infrastructure, providing of heating arrangements must be a priority. It has been noticed that making such a facility available in classrooms is not a priority in most schools – whether government or private.

The thinking has to be changed now  regarding this. Providing heating arrangements during cold days too must be a priority in schools. Because of the cold sometimes the students fall ill and miss their classes. If there is shortage of funds in doing so the higher authorities must look into the matter and ensure that schools get required funds for heating arrangements. Such a process should not be lengthy but completed speedily so that the facility is provided well in time.

In fact the preparations for this purpose must start much ahead of the winter so that the funds are released well in time and school authorities get it on time and the heating arrangements provided on time. The delay in such a process makes the small children to suffer. Since the authorities are taking a number of measures for the welfare of students, providing heating arrangements is also a welfare measure and must be encouraged.

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