Sealed hearts & veiled eyes

‘As to those who reject Faith, it is same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe” (2:6)

Rejection of Faith, where it is deliberate without the least striving to see the truth is ‘Kufr’ in Quranic idiom and the person with such an inclination is ‘Kafir’ where as mistaken, mistaken idea of Allah (SwT) or faith nevertheless with a striving to see the ‘Truth’ called ‘Haq’ falls in a different category, where there is enough room for guidance to the right path.

The outfall of rejection of faith without the least striving to see the truth is sealed hearts and veiled eyes, as revealed in the following Holy Verse:

”Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing. And on their eyes is a veil; Great is the penalty they (incur) [2:7]

Sealed hearts and veiled eyes denote senses become impervious to all that is good, all that is fair, and this is the penalty to be paid for deliberate rejection of faith, the penalty constitutes the ‘Justice of Allah’. In ‘Divine Justice’ as one goes down the path of sin, the penalty gathers momentum, just as goodness brings its own capacity for greater goodness.

There is another class of people—the hypocrites, who do not in fact, believe what they pronounce:

‘Of the people there are some who say: ”We believe in Allah and the Last day; but they do not (really) believe’ (2:8)

That they do not believe is known to Allah (SwT) however they delude themselves into believing that their real face is not known, but they only deceive themselves:

”Fain would they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive themselves, and realize (it) not” (2:9)

Sooner or later, they pass into the category of those, who reject ‘Truth’ the ‘Haq’

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