Exactly two hundred forty seven years back, on 20 August,1762, an outstanding Islamic thinker South Asia ever produced – Shah Wali Allah– passed away leaving behind a colossal legacy. Shah Waliullah had exceptionaltalent, ability of mind and spiritual purity. An outstanding scholar of Islamicsciences, who lived in the age of crisis and intellectual degeneration herevolutionized the philosophical, social and economic ideas within theframework of Islam. In South Asia,understanding Islam as a socio religious movement is incomplete withoutstudying the work of Shah Wali Allah. As the eminent Muslim Philosopher AllamaIqbal writes ” He was the first Muslim to feel the urge for rethinking thewhole system of Islam without breaking traditions of past.”(Reconstruction ofReligious Thought in Islam).
Shah Waliullah has enormous work – both academic as well asspiritual – to his credit. He inspired generation of ulama, scholars, and lefta great legacy. He shaped the Islamic thought in South Asia. Almost everyschool of thought and Islamic movement in Islam accepts him as an authority andtakes lineage in South Asia from his works. Ahli-hadeeth movement takesinspiration from him (on his work on hadith, supremacy of hadith, and hiscriticism on taqlid). Founders of top madrasas like Deoband, Nadwa anduniversities like Aligarh Muslim University were pass-outs from his madrassa –Madrassa Raheemiya – and had studied under him. They take lineage from hissources.