Speed up the process

The acid attack that happened somedays back in Srinagar evoked sharp reaction from all the quarters in the civil society. The political voices present in the valley also expressed their deep concern.

In fact people from Jammu, and even beyond, raised their voice, and demanded justice for the victim.

The government also swung into action and took some speedy steps. The culprits were arrested. Also a Task Force was instituted to monitor the sale and purchase of acids.

These responses from the government, cvil, and political circles, were needed, and it all speaks of a deep sensitivity on such issues.

It also means that there is no tolerance for such crimes, and this message must go far and wide; into the society, into the administrative circles, and also into the law and order machinery.

This will serve the purpose of a general deterrence. But what would actually make difference in the end is a speedy disposal of the case, and punishment to culprits.

We have seen in past that the delay in punishing culprits has discredited the system of governance.

People then generally believe that the process of justice is faulty, and doesn’t meet the expectations of aggrieved. And in such cases of crime people in general comprise the aggrieved party.

Not only this, if the case runs for too long, criminal elements are passively encouraged. It sends out a wrong signal, and emboldens those who have a criminal bent of mind. So in this case, one would expect that justice is done, and done soon.

It is true that police, and judiciary, have to follow a set of rules, and undergo procedures that are put in place by law. No one can ask them to skip any procedure, or by pass a law. What people expect is that the entire process of delivering justice in this case is taken up as an urgent task.

The delays that normally happen in our systems must not happen in this case. If the culprits are punished, while the memory of this ghastly crime is fresh, that would reinforce people’s confidence in the system of justice. And would also drop a stern message that such criminals cannot go unpunished.

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