Spend in the cause of Allah

Due care has to be taken of what Allah (SwT) provides in ‘His Unbounded Bounty’. Out of what is provided, one neither could afford to be stingy nor could it be a matter of show-off, as stands ordained in the following Holy Verses:

‘Those who are stingy, and exhort people to stinginess, and conceal what God has given them from His bounty, We have prepared for the disbelievers a disgraceful punishment’ (4:37)  The ones, who are stingy, try to keep as much as possible for themselves.

They bid others to do likewise and try to hide whatever bounty Allah (SwT) has provided them with. For such a group of people Allah (SwT) has prepared a disgraceful punishment. They do not  live a life of grace, as they remain unmindful of their duties to the society.

Hardly are they aware that whatever is provided to them is a matter of trust, thus they make light of what they are entrusted with. In stark contrast with the ones who are stingy, remain the ones who show-off what Allah (SwT) has provided them with.

They are equally abhorred, as enshrined in the Holy Verse that follows the one quoted above: ‘And those who spend their money to be seen by the people, and believe neither in God nor in the Last Day.

Whoever has Satan as his companion, what an evil companion? (4:38) As for those who spend for the sake of making a show, do not believe in Allah (SwT) and hereafter, Satan becomes their companion.

What a dreadful companion he is, ever leading the people astray.  It is evident from a deep study of the Holy Verses noted above that extremes in attitude are looked at with disfavour.

Instead, one should strike the balanced attitude. And, that holds good also for what Allah (SwT) provides, it is to be spend diligently without stinginess or making a show of it.

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