Successful people have libraries

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies”

In modern times there are lot of resources available to strengthen our knowledge, but it is not wrong to say that importance of books is permanent. Even in the age of the Internet, the trend of reading books has not abated in developed countries. Most of the houses there have some kind of collection of books. The book seems to include their needs in life.

The world bongs to those who read. Book’s are called the “world of wonders”. It happens that once we grab a book of our choice, we enter a different world and get engrossed in reading and learning about new things. Those having developed the habit of reading, find books quite alluring. A voracious and ardent reader would literally prefer books over anything in the world, because for such a person nothing equals the worth of books.

Reading possesses the charm and power to embark us on expeditions to imaginary places and makes us think about things which otherwise would never normally strike our mind. “When we are collecting books we are collecting happiness”

Each book is a magical box, on whose touch we can unlock the treasure!
Books for a normal human hold necessary and important things which help readers in gaining knowledge and information. Books are like the candles that illuminate the human conscience. As long as man’s heart and mind are not engaged in good and useful deeds, his inclination will be towards evil and disobedience. A person can become a true person only when he watches over his time; reading books saves a person’s time from being wasted. Books are the best companions for the long life of loneliness, the kind companion in the uneven paths of life and the healer of anxiety and restlessness. Reading removes sorrow and is best protection from anxiety. The study of religious books refreshes faith. The friendship with a book refreshes soul and brings happiness. The human mind is nurtured, encouraged to adapt to the great pattern of civilization and culture. The causes of the rise and fall of nations are known, and by reading historical books we meet the chosen personalities of history and have the opportunity to benefit from their experiences.

According to research by the University Medical Center in the United States, adults who spend time in research or intellectual activities such as reading, have a 32% lower rate of mental decline in old age or middle age than those who don’t read. Similarly, Alzheimer’s disease is two and a half times less common in people who study. The United States, Japan, China, London, Paris, Canada, Australia, Italy and France are the top countries in selling books.

There are more than 28 countries in the world where books sell best. And in this list there is not a single Muslim country. Distance from knowledge and literature robbed Muslims off dignity and esteem.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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