The Plight of Tenants

How it is to stay on rent? This question prompted me forthis small write-up, so that I can give vent to the feelings which are there inmy mind always disturbing and haunting me.

I completed my Post-Graduation from the Open University andsomehow managed to secure admission in one of the highest educationalinstitutions of the valley-University of Kashmir. After a lot of struggle andhard work, I finally was enrolled for the research programme. It took somemonths to get acquainted with the environment in which I was supposed to spentthe most precious and productive years of life. The environment of the citybeing highly different from the village life always requires a stiffness to getfairly adjusted.


As a rural resident, the distance from educationalinstitution to the home compels students to hire a room, so that they can managethings in a proper way.  The same thinghappened with me and after a few months of my admission, my parents insisted meto hire a room so that I may not have to bear the brunt of traffic jams andother transportation problems. So, I yielded to their advice and went forsearching a room for me. For the days together, searched for the room but dueto some or other reasons was unable to find a suitable room. Wherever I visitedI found people charging for the rooms at their well. I didn’t find anyinstitutional mechanism in place to regulate these private hostels. I met withthe students who were staying in these hostels and enquired about thefunctioning of these hostels. Everyone told me that there is no check on thesehostels; it is up to the owners to fix rent and other charges. Besides, theseowners have formulated their own norms and rules which have to be followedrigorously.  And in case, we don’t adhereto the rules or raise our voice against the injustices being done with us inthe form of excessive charges, the next we are asked to vacate the rooms.

After visiting many hostels, I asked these owners whetherthese hostels are recognized or not. The answer was humiliating. Who are you toask us these questions? It is our property no one has the right to interfere inour business. I after listening to the answers left without uttering a word.

It was after a couple of weeks that I hired a room in thevicinity of the university. I sighed relief. The observations of the past dayspushed me to ask the same questions to the owner of the hostel where I hired aroom. The owner was a female, and I asked her how they charge for these roomsand she in a loud and aggressive voice replied that we have already fixed thecharges and after every year enhance the rent of the rooms and other associatedcharges. From the tone, I got the answers of other questions as well. Duringthe stay in the hostel, I observed the injustices being committed by theseowners and how the innocent students had to face the wrath and humiliation ofthese owners.

The pitiable part was that if girls from other hostel orother room visited this hostel to collect notes or held group discussions inthe day time  from the classmates, thegirl was required to pay money. Every girl wished a change in these rules. Onegirl from south Kashmir even cancelled her accommodation in the hostel due tothis rule. Whenever, any girl from the hostel attempted to raise her voiceagainst these unjust and cruel rules. Her voice was suppressed by psychologicaland verbal humiliations. The girls felt helpless and only thing they can do toget out of this psychological harassment was that, they wept for the daystogether.

I observed these things minutely and did not want to remainsilent and act as mute spectator. So, I decided to fight collectively againstthese injustices. I assembled all girls and asked them that we need tocollectively fight for our rights. They agreed and we decided to convince theowner about the changes to be made in the rules as well as charges. After along discussion, I called the owner in the room where we all were present. As Itried to keep our demands, the owner without listening a word started shoutingat us. She told us to vacate the hostel next day otherwise she will throw ourbelongings out. We again and again requested her for listening to us. But shewas not ready to hear a single word. It was not less than a nightmare for us.

Next day, I visited the proctor’s office and enquired ifthere is any regulation of private hostels by the university. One of theemployees present there denied the existence of any such mechanism. Thestudents are left at the mercy of God. There is no seriousness on part of anyuniversity or college or any other institution in Kashmir for the regulationand monitoring of these unregistered hostels. The higher authorities shouldtake a serious note of these unregistered hostels functioning anywhere andproper mechanism needs to put in place to ensure well-being of students ofrural areas.

Shahida Akhtar is Research Scholar, University of Kashmir

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