The power purchase

Jammu and Kashmir has to spend six percent of its annual budget on power purchases. According to reports this trend is on the rise. Despite these purchases there is no end to power shortage particularly during winter. The crisis lead to power curtailment.

Some times besides the announced curtailment programme the power development department has to resort to unscheduled cuts also. During the last autumn and beginning of this winter, the unannounced power curtailment had caused lot of inconvenience to the consumers.

While there was some improvement after additional power was purchased but people in several rural areas allege power shortage. They demand better supply. Since Jammu and Kashmir is not purchasing power as per its demand, there is a need to generate power to meet the demand.

There is enormous potential for generation of hydroelectric power. The entire potential should be tapped. This can be done by completing the ongoing projects and establishing more projects in the state sector. The governments in the past have not shown much interests in having more power projects for Jammu and Kashmir.

If this process was started much earlier we would have been self-sufficient in power sector. And not only self reliant but also in a position to sell powers to other states. The successive state governments did not take initiatives in time.

The previous governments are equally responsible for the power crisis, occurring from time to time. Since not much was done in the power sector in the past, it is time to overcome the shortcomings and move forward.

The government must make Jammu and Kashmir self reliant as far as power is concerned. More projects have to be set up. Consumers are cooperating on their part. Smart meters have been installed and more are being installed. Large number of consumers have also switched over to pre-paid mode.

They need better power supply. Officials in past were promising round the clock supply in metered areas. While this facility has been made available in some metered areas, consumers in most of these places are demanding extension of the facility there also.

There is an immediate need for bringing overall improvement in power sector. The improvement can be possible with more power generation by establishing more projects.

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