The problem of water-logging

Whenever there is a snowfall or heavy rain, water logging occurs at a number of areas in Srinagar city. Due to this problem roads flood with water and turn into ponds.

The movement of vehicles and pedestrians becomes difficult on such roads. This problem is very old and has not been solved yet. Consequently, the roads will continue to get waterlogged and travellers and pedestrians will continue to face inconvenience.

Lack of effective drainage system is said to be among the main causes of the problem. The rain water is not properly drained out and roads get submerged. Then shortage of dewatering pumps add to the problem.

Officials say that new drainage system was established in some areas under the Srinagar Smart City Project. Because of the change in drainage system, improvement was seen there. However, the water-logging of the Polo View area last year after the completion of the Smart City Project work had raised doubts regarding the claims made by the officials.

However, the officials at that time said that the problem was due to an old drain on the backside of the shops. According to them if new drains were not laid in the area, there would have been massive water logging as used to happen in past.

There is an immediate need to have a detailed review of the drainage system in the entire city. If there is a need to go for a change in some areas, it should be done. If such a change can prevent water logging then doing so is more important. If the water logging has solutions available, the concerned departments must go for such solutions.

The roads must not look like ponds every time it rains heavily, or when there is a snowfall. In February usually snowfalls occur and in March sometimes heavy rains occur. Dewatering pumps must be made available in adequate number.

There is a need to have more mobile de-watering pumps so that those are utilised in more areas. All measures should be taken so that the people in the city do not face problems in their movement. A number of areas are still without a drainage system.

Such a facility must be made available there. Then there is another problem; residents from some areas allege that the roads dug during laying of drainage pipes are not quickly and completely repaired. It takes weeks and sometimes months for the road to get back to its original shape. Such grievances too must be redressed at the earliest.

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