The Truth of Telekinesis

Also known as Psychokinesis, telekinesis is an allegedpsychic ability according to which a person can influence an object with thepower of mind alone. This mind-matter-interaction is said to manipulate andmove objects without actual touching. People have shown to use their mindsthrough some unexplained means to bend metal, transport objects from inside asealed container to outside the container, and perform other amazing feats.However, there is no convincing evidence that Psychokinesis is a realphenomenon, and experiments have historically been critical of it. Thereforethe topic is generally regarded as pseudoscience.

A panel commissioned in 1988 by the United States NationalResearch Council to study these paranormal claims concluded that despite a 130year record of scientific research on such matters, the committee could notfind any scientific justification for the existence of such phenomena asextrasensory perception, mental telepathy or ‘mind over matter’ exercises. Itwas asserted that all research in sciences would become illusionary, iftelekinesis is taken seriously; for no experiment could be relied upon tofurnish objective results, since all measurements would become falsified to agreater or lesser degree, by the experimenter’s wishes.  So the concept of Psychokinesis wasconsidered as absurd, having no scientific basis.


Psychokinesis and telekinesis have commonly been used assuperpowers in comic books, movies, television and computer games, literatureand other forms of popular culture.

However, of late, scientific experiments involvingteleportation and other telekinetic abilities have been reviewed in a number ofresearch papers say the one written by astrophysicist Dr. Eric W. Davis in2004, titled “Teleportation Physics Study.” Matter interacts throughforces which are of four different types: gravitation, electromagnetism, andthe strong and weak nuclear forces. The nuclear forces are very short-range,smaller than the diameter of an atom. Gravitation and electromagnetism are theonly detectable forces that propagate over longer distances. Therefore one maythink, if either gravitation or electromagnetism could be responsible forbending spoons? In the case of electromagnetism, it would be laughably easy todetect the kind of fields necessary to exert enough force to influence a spoon.The human brain is not constructed to generate or focus such fields.  Moreover this force is used on influencingmagnets and circuits and not on bending spoons. In the case of gravitation, thefields are just too weak and too feeble to move objects around. Could thenthere be a new force, as yet undetected by modern science? Physicists are by nomeans closed-minded about such possibilities, rather they are very excited. Butthen, one also has to consider the experimental limits. And those limits showunambiguously that any such new force that might be lurking out there musteither be very short-range (less than a millimeter), or much weaker thangravity, which is an awfully weak force to have readily observable effects onmacroscopic objects.

However, it is admitted that science never proves anything.It only speaks in terms of probabilities and likelihoods. For example, it isnot unlikely that the next asteroid that comes along may obey an inverse-cubelaw of gravity rather than an inverse-square one; we never know for sure.Therefore, by the same argument one can put the probability that some sort ofparapsychological phenomena may turn out to be real at something(substantially) less than a billion to one. We can compare this to thewell-established success of particle physics and quantum field theory.

In the unimaginably weird world of sub atomic particles,individual particles exist in many places at the same time. These particleslike electrons don’t always live in any particular place, but in a sort ofsmear of many places, most very close to each other, some very far away.According to quantum mechanics, uncertainties and imprecision in themeasurements are not the faults of the experimenter, but fundamentally inherentin nature. Another way of putting it is that some tiny packets of matter areslightly everywhere, but precisely nowhere. A bizarre phenomenon called QuantumSuperposition has proven it to be true beyond a shadow of doubt. So what does QuantumSuperposition have to do with telekinesis or mind over matter? The currents andelectromagnetic fields exert influence on electrons, including those inside andoutside our head. When that happens to an electron that occupies many spaces atthe same time, it will experience what physicists call a “collapse”.

A collapse is caused by the multiple and simultaneousincarnations of that particle, occupying one particular place. And that “place”can be inside our brain, somewhere in the room we are sitting in, or 14 billionlight years away on the far side of the universe. Quantum Physics tells us thatit is the act of observing an object (events, conditions and circumstances)that causes it to be there and the outcome is based only on how we observe it.Intense conscious attention and focus on objects is an expression of energy inmotion from one form to the other.  Ourbrain is comprised of a tight network of nerve cells, all interacting with oneanother and generating an overall electrical field. This electric field isdetectable with standard medical equipment. The brain waves are simply thesuperposition of the multitude of electrical states being formed by our nervoussystem.

Not only our brain, but our entire body has an electricfield. Anywhere there’s a nerve cell, there’s electricity. It’s justconcentrated the greatest around the head because that’s where the bulk ofnerve cells are. Any time we have felt the shock of static electricity, or useda touch-sensitive screen, has proven that we have an electric field. Ourthoughts are formed in this electric field. These are the electrical impulsesthat can be measured if a few wires are hooked up between the head and amachine. So thoughts are energy, the same as everything else.

Thus all those same weird things about quantum mechanicsthat describe how an electron or photon behave, applies to our thoughts aswell. The one difference between us and a photon is that we can think and weare conscious. As such, we can choose which of the possibilities before us tocollapse our wave function into. But more than that, since we are entangledwith our environment we can thus affect that as well and influence therandomness, just as it can influence us.

Our minds are transceivers, able to receive and send signalsinto the “quantum soup” of the zero point field by way of the highlycoherent frequencies of our thoughts.

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