The world of radio-diagnosis

8th November is celebrated across the globe as World Radiography Day to commemorate Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen’s Discovery the X- Rays.

Roentgen was an German physicist and scientist, while he was working with cathode rays using va evacuated glass bulb, he noticed when current passed across the bulb, a barium platino-cyanide screen fluoresced; he further observed the effect of the phenomenon on photographic plates. He also noticed such invisible rays could able to pass through the body but can’t transmit through bones, hence the shadow of the bones formed. The invisible unknown rays were called as X- Rays Within three months after the discovery the Radiographs were generated in major cities of the world.


With the invention of X rays, revolutionary changes took place in the field of medicine. The use of X rays increased, a wide range of diagnostic modalities developed. X ray, Computed Tomography, Mammography, Gamma Camera, Linear Axmccelerator, PET Scan, SPECT now MRI, PET MRI etc. The Radiology and Imageology developed into several branches.

World Radiography Day is an annual international initiative intended to raise awareness and stimulate interest in the profession of Radiography. And also to highlight the importance of indispensable function and to understand latest developments in this field. The computerization changed the face of Radiology. The conventional Radiography transformed into computed Radiography & Digital Radiography. The quality of Radiographs is very much developed now.

Invention of CT, MRI have revolutionaized the role of a Radiographer. MRI Scanning brought about a sense of dependence on the Radiographer in Radio-Diagnosis. These modalities have changed the Radiographer to a Technologist.

Due to the advancement of the technology, the role of a Radiographer further widened and responsibilities increased towards patient care and management.

DSA, fusion imaging further added to the Diagnostic Radiology. With all these advancements in imaging technology the accuracy and speed in diagnosis of the diseases increased and became easy too.The X ray technology is not only used in Medical Diagnosis and treatment it is also used in industries to find out the cracks in machinery, food technology to purify seeds and food, and airports to scan people. Thus the use of X rays increased.

Surprising thing is how X rays are useful. But if not used properly, the harmful effects also occur. In the beginning, they were not aware of the harmful effects hence used indiscriminately and many scientists who did experiments with X rays died of cancer. Hence to bring awareness and control of indiscriminate use of these X rays, there were statutory bodies established such as National Commission on Radiation Protection NCRP, International Council on Radiation Protection ICRP and Atomic Energy Regulatory Board AERB. They have recommended the doses as maximum permissible for Public, Radiation Workers and Students. For the general public it is 01 mSev/year, and for radiation workers it is 20mSev/year. The MPD is the upper limit of allowed radiation without significant side effects. The MPD is also different for different organs.

The Society of Indian Radiographers-SIR (Kashmir chapter) is striving hard to bring all the qualified technologists on one platform, bringing awareness programs about radiation and preventive measures. Society of Indian Radiographers Central Body is conducting national level conferences, workshops to update the knowledge of the technologists.

Society of Indian Radiographers Kashmir chapter is going to celebrate the world Radiology Day on 13th Nov at Tagore Hall where all the Radiographers of Associated Hospitals, Health department and SKIMS Medical College will participate.

Rauf Ahmad Laigroo , Sr MRI Technologist, SMHS Hospital Srinagar

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