Trouble in the Dal waters

Detection of the Alligator gar fish in Dal lake is a cause of concern. According to experts this kind of fish was not spotted in Dal Lake earlier and that its presence can wreak havoc on lake’s flora and fauna.

The scientists are surprised and want to know whether the presence of Alligator gar fish in the lake is just accidental, or a careless introduction. They are for comprehensive scientific studies to trace the origin of the fish and to ascertain if there is presence of more exotic fish species in the Dal Lake, and more such fish species in other water bodies of Kashmir.

The capturing of Alligator gar fish occurred at a time when people are already concerned about the shrinking water bodies in Kashmir and the levels of pollution going up, and damaging some of those.

While steps are being taken at government level to protect the water bodies from further encroachment and pollution, incidents like presence of Alligator gar fish leads to more challenges.

All efforts on scientific basis should be made to protect the flora and fauna of Dal lake and other water bodies from Alligator gar fish and other like species. If no immediate steps are taken then there can be serious problems.

The presence of such dangerous species will increase and spread to other water bodies also. Whether their presence now is accidental or careless introduction by someone, such things should not be allowed from now onwards.

People doing such acts must be identified and taken to task. These type of activities must be put to an end for the safety of flora and fauna.

The lakes and other water bodies have suffered enormously due to greed of some people, now the acts of some people should not cause further damage. It is the responsibility of concerned authorities and the people that our water bodies should not be damaged at any level.

Further encroachments and pollution should be also stopped. Effective measures have to be taken so that pollution does not cause further damage. The required steps must not remain confined to a few known water bodies only but extended to other water bodies, wherever those are located.

Dal and other lakes are attracting lot of tourists and so the survival of tourism also depends upon the healthy condition of these lakes. At a time when Kashmir is witnessing a record breaking tourist arrival, keeping the water bodies in good condition is equally important. Any careless attitude can prove costly and must be avoided at all levels.

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