Udtaa Kashmir

It starts with a cigarette, smoking often acts as a doorwayto drugs. Most of the drug users use the substance out of curiosity and in thebelief that it will reduce their problems like stress, trauma, anxiety ordepression. Some other people use drugs to escape from the pressures of life orto compliance with the peer group compatibility to have a different view of theworld around them. Once a person becomes addicted to drugs, he loses hiscontrol over drug use and for him persistent use of drugs becomes the primaryfocus in life and once the drugs stop, the person will have cravings and strongdesire for drugs.

Our physiological mechanism generates these cravings tomaintain the state of equilibrium that relies now on the drugs. These cravingshave a physiological mechanism as they stimulate the area of the brain(amygdala) that controls the emotional memory in addicted person. A drug addictcan experience a state of craving at any stage during the drug addiction orabuse



Kashmir has been through three decades of violence,resulting in an epidemic of psychological disturbances among its population. Anumber of psychiatric problems have emerged like Depression, Obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD), post traumatic stress disorder etc. The conflictridden valley has also seen a tremendous rise in substance abuse over the pastmany years.

According to the United Nations Drug control programme(UNDCP), around seventy thousand people are drug addicts in Kashmir valleyalone & among which 4000 are females. One more report published in the bookby renowned psychiatrist in Kashmir Dr Margoob & Dutta states that around2.11 lakh drug addicts are in Kashmir.

The director of Drug De-addiction centre Srinagar Dr Khanstated that ” the trend of drug abuse is on rise among school children as wehave registered many such cases, where students of class IX to XII are involvedin drugs ” The common substance used by Drug addict in Kashmir are cannabis,brown sugar, heroine, SP tablets, Anxil, Alprax, Inhalants like Fevicol, SRSolution, Thinner, Shoe polish,Paint varnish & dirty socks are used assubstance

The alarming rate of this drug menace in Kashmir leads theacademicians & experts to comment that ” we have lost one generation tobullets & we may lose another generation to drugs “


To curb this menace and diminish this horrific picture,J&K Police have taken initiatives by conducting awareness programmes andestablishing drug de_addiction centres in various districts. Still stopping theillegal trafficking & sale of drugs and curbing opioid and cannabiscultivation remains a biggest challenge for them. SAC has also approved firstever drug de-addiction policy on the directions of honourable High Court.

There is a need for the government enforcement agencies,Islamic clergy, NGO’s to collaborate & supplement each others efforts for asolution to this menace. With most drug users being into the productive agegroup of 18-35 years, the lost in terms of human potential is incalculable. Thedamage to the physical, psychological, moral and intellectual growth of youthis very high. Drug addicts often feel isolated and sense of alienation, soproviding them certain kind of social and moral support help them and make themmore empowered to get over this problem

(Sohail Khan is a member of J&K Youth parliament andassociated with J&K RTI movement)

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