Understand the meaning of Karbala

Maulana Imran Reza Ansari

All praise belongs to Allah, the creator and the master of the Universe.

The moon of Muharram is upon us, and with it comes the message of Karbala. As tears start to flow, and the thunder of matam fills the air, let us understand the meaning of Karbala and how it healed the Muslims.

No revolution exists in the history of the world like the revolution of Imam Hussain (as), which shook the world, bestowed glory for truth and created dignity for human beings, and all its parts are complete with nobility and honor. Replete with immortal lessons regarding belief that shall never be overpowered and faith that shall never be humiliated. Karbala is a revolution that began a modern age for the nations of the world and the communities of the earth, spirit of revolution and opposition to oppression and injustice, confrontation with unreasonable demands and fighting corruption are few of its signs. The revolution of Karbala was the first revolution in human history from the aspect that on it were built intellectual, social and political foundations.

It is sufficient for the success of Imam Hussain (as) that through his martyrdom he bestowed a new life to Islam and sacrificed his blood for it. The Imam became successful and victorious because he restored life and youth to Islam. On the basis of this he was a reformer, perhaps it was about this aspect that RasulAllah (saw) said: ” Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.” Karbala led to the victory of Islam and brought out the illuminated true status and reality of Ahle Bayt (as) and proved to the world of Islam, their powers in being steadfast on truth, their firmness in face of calamities and their sincere concerns for the future of the Islamic community.

AZAADARI does not limit itself to crying behind closed doors and wearing black. Azaadari is an institution in itself, to follow the path of Hussain (as) no matter how hard it is. Our Imam taught us to practice Islam honestly and sincerely, to do what is right as a divine obligation irrespective of consequences, and not to fear anyone except Allah. The battle of Karbala was not meant to secure a piece of land, rather it was a battle to secure and uphold core human values. Hussain’s (as) journey was not for political power but to free the people from an unjust rule and guide back to the true path of Islam. The Imam did not intend to wage war and the fact that he chose to start his journey with the women and children of his family proves this. The message of Karbala is vivid and clear – Sabr, loyalty, equality, kindness, magnanimity and to stand up for what is right even if you have to stand up against your own family.

Quoting Mahatma Gandhi, ” I learned from Hussain (as) how to be wronged and be a winner, I learnt from Hussain (as) how to attain victory while being oppressed. ”

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