Violation of the ban

Reports indicate that there is no end to the violation of  ban on working of  government teachers  in private tuition and coaching centres. Despite clear cut orders that no government teacher should teach in private tuition centres, large number of government teachers take classes in these centres.

Working of government teachers in private tuition centres do affect the quality teaching in government schools. According to reports, some of such teachers develop a vested interest. They do not focus much on their teaching in government schools.

They indirectly force the students to go for private tuition since the students do not fully understand the lessons or their syllabus is deliberately kept incomplete.

Some teachers allegedly covey their students in government schools to take admission in a particular tuition centre, where they teach, with an assurance that they will be given good marks in the internal examinations in the schools.

While those who can afford private tuition go for it and those students from low income families who cannot afford, suffer. It has been observed that mostly students from low income group families prefer going to government schools, while other parents prefer their children going to private schools.

Since the salary of government teachers is better than that of the teachers of  private schools, the standard of teaching should have been better in government schools. But this is not the case. The number of students in government schools is falling and some schools are at the verge of closure due to very less number of students.

Some efforts were made at the government level to encourage and increase admissions in government schools. Such efforts can bear fruit only if the teachers whole heartedly support such moves. If the teachers do not take their classes seriously and teach sincerely, the standard of teaching in government schools will continue to fall.

The parents will continue to be forced to send their children to private tuition centres and private schools. Strict  implementation of the ban on working of government teachers in private tuition centres is the need of the hour.

Be it school, college or university, the teachers must be made accountable. Their only focus should be their classrooms in schools, colleges and universities.

Even the engineers working in various government departments must be barred from teaching in private tuition centres. High standard of teaching in tuition centres  is also in the best interests of the students there.

The owners of tuition and coaching centres have every right to take measures in this direction. They should utilise the services of excellent teachers but must not encourage the government teachers to work in their tuition centres as it badly affect the working in government schools.

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