What if you did not qualify the NEET!

Recalling the old memories of school days, one used to memorize the most redundant essay, My Aim in Life. As a standard rule, the aim to become a doctor was unavoidably too popular. The wishful essay would mention that serving as a doctor carried the noblest status symbol and reflected virtuous act of social service. What if the wish of every one was granted, hypothetically at least! At the island of doctors, finding a patient would have been a rare instance.  Later on, the craze was further coupled by becoming an engineer. Thus the binary of either becoming a doctor or an engineer became a standard carrier aspiration template.

The world since then has moved a long distance. Advancement and developments in different professions has radically revolutionized the idea of career aspiration. But the baggage of doctor or an engineer binary has not vacated its base from the society. Qualifying NEET is fine. But does not-qualifying the NEET closes the doors of opportunities forever?

Confining career in a particular capsule is a catastrophe. In a highly complex and diversified world, innumerable opportunities are at an offer for the capable and competent aspirants.

The ever exploring and vastly expanding streams of subjects are opening up new highways of demand for a plurality of professionals to prosper limitlessly. Society as an integrated entity relies on services and contributions of diverse professionals.

The intricately complex division of labour that drives the engines of the contemporary society holds its unique essence.  The pivotal roles necessitated have a wide range in terms of profile as well as potential. 

Beyond the brackets of NEET, the gamut of options encompass fields like; academics, media, law, civil services, defense, management, computer sciences, Infotainment, Social Media, research and  innovation, music, creative art, consultancy, online business, entrepreneurship, sports and film etc.

An erudite policy maker and a naïve innovator or a scientist can transform the destiny of the nation with a single stroke of intellect. In the global context, the emerging fields can propel the success trajectory of potential person to international level.

The young aspirants who are about to start their journey of youth are in dire need of guidance and counseling. At such a critical juncture, the hype of one particular examination unduly gets over-imposed. ‘Either you qualify or you fail’ mentality is discouraging and destructive.

Myopic conceptualizing of failure particularly by parents and society at large is to be seriously challenged and scrutinized. Child – as a package of potential cannot be reduced to the result of toss of a coin, Pass or Fail! It is time for the children to be set free from the shackles of deceptive yardsticks of evaluation.

 Parents usually roll down the shutters of optimism about their children instantly the moment results of NEET are declared. All children are not alike. Even the identical twins have different sets of personalities. Hypothetically, just reverse the argument for a moment.

Can we expect all parents to participate and perform equally in an open marathon of parents? What if the unwilling parents are compelled to participate? And this forced participation results in utter underperformance inviting jokes and ridicule.

As parents we have reasons and reservations for being different and distinct.  Individual differences do exist and they do matter. Every expectation cannot enjoy the free glide. Putting apron and stethoscope on every child is irrational and illogical. A hasty handling of human resource can prove detrimental in the long run.  

 Career counseling at the early stages can orient the learners towards various future endeavors they are interested in. Vocational guidance at the opportune time can help in identifying the learners with aptitude that demands further mentorship. Gifted attributes like innate, creative and artistic abilities if channelized in right direction at the right time can script new success stories.

 Let us do away with bracketing the definition of success by restricting it to selection or rejection in a particular exam. Life is a rollercoaster journey. Let us inculcate in our young generation the courage to negotiate and navigate their unique endeavors with hope, optimism, and contentment.

NEET ke aagey bhi jeet hai.

Bilal Kaloo, Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, North Campus, University of Kashmir

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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