Zero tolerance on non-adherence

As a responsible media organisation GK has been covering the pandemic related crises with the sole aim of saving lives, and minimising the adverse impact on society. Through our editorials, opinion columns, and news stories we have raised awareness, without creating panic. At times we have been critical of decisions of the government, or disproving the practices adopted by people; all this was meant to combat the covid successfully. From day one we have been emphasising on observing covid related protocols strictly. In doing so we have invoked everything that was relevant – government structures, societal formations, medical fraternity, values and rules. We still keep our focus on updating people and government structures on how best we can fight this battle to finish. It is with this mindset that we take the Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary, Arun Kumar Mehta’s emphasis on the strict adherence to COVID-19 appropriate behavior as welcome expression. The idea of zero tolerance against those found violating the SOPs is badly needed, now more than before. The behaviour of this virus is so troublesome that despite doing everything even the best of systems in the world are unsure of having defeated it fully. For us the storm is still raging, and we cannot afford to make any mistakes. Those who are found violating the procedures need to be penalised, as their acts directly impinge upon human life. The application part, however, needs to be rule based, and not left to the whims and temperaments of the executing staff on the ground. We have usually seen that the filed staff angrily treats violators. There is nothing personal in implementing rules, and we need to make the government functionaries internalise this value. We should ensure that people wear masks, desist from crowding together, and also take care of hand hygiene. As we all know that despite vaccination we have to follow these guidelines, we should sensitise people on this in all possible ways. Besides societal opprobrium, violations must entail legal action.

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