Eid-e- Milad procession taken out in Ramban, Gool

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Ramban, Sep 20: In connection with the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Eid –e- Milad- Un-Nabi (SAW) was celebrated across Ramban district and Eid Milad processions were taken out by the Muslims after Friday prayers.

Functions were organised and held in Masjids across the district; the huge number of Muslims Celebrated Eid-e-Milad-Un-Nabi (SAW) at grand mosque Gool Sangaldan Batote Chanderkote Maitra Seri Ramban in which speakers and Islamic scholars greet Muslims on the eve of Eid-e-Milad.


Religious processions were also taken out in various towns of the district. A huge procession in which hundreds of Muslims participated was taken out in Ramban and Gool after Friday prayers in which hundreds of people participated Before Friday prayers, speakers threw light on the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). They also emphasised the need to follow the Islamic teaching as per the Quran and the Hadith.

The Ulemas including Moulanas of masjids across the district highlighted the importance of Milad. They threw light on the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Police and district administration has made elaborate security arrangements for Eid Milad processions.


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